Kansas lawmakers put final touches on bill to legalize medical marijuana use
Kansas lawmakers put final touches on bill to legalize medical marijuana use
It’s been before lawmakers in past sessions but has come up short.
Kansas lawmakers put final touches on bill to legalize medical marijuana use
It’s been before lawmakers in past sessions but has come up short.
Bout time

I seriously doubt KS will do anything for at least a decade. But at this point, unless they go full recreational, it will be almost pointless financially. Many JOCO residents would still head to MO now that rec weed should lower prices dramatically and they wouldn’t need a card to purchase. Sure, there may be some activity in the rest of the state, but JOCO alone makes up about 1/4th of the entire states GDP.
Finally you assholes. A man is dieing of cancer and can’t have a medicine he needs.
1st – help the schools overall & pay teachers more ( education & kids are the future)
2. All the elderly facilities and helping with the older people.
3 roads fixing to buildings & personal town needs
All the $$ generated from legalization of ganja would 100% cover all of that with in the 1st year Kansas. & imagine going forward all the other benefits ks would get.
Ps there are fake drugs on the streets now more than ever & will always be fake drugs & drugs that kill. So the first point would be to not smoke, but every young adult will make their own choices , so if your grandchild did participate in use of Mary Jane , legalization would insure that YOUR child would get clean safe weed.
On the streets buying weed could be dangerous.
At this point why not lol. They got Colorado to the west and Missouri to the east. There is no way they can keep marijuanna out of Kansas.
I laugh at people who always tell me Kansas is finally going to legalize medical marijuana. I always call B.S. alert on that.
Not sure why they won’t let it be legal .. weed can set you free .. i know why , they make more money busted people and taken their weed and then putting it back on the streets , repeat , repeat repeat …. The most dangerous things are legal and that’s alcohol and cigarettes, it kills more people each year than any weed on the streets and plus it would keep the crime rate down , can’t have that . People would be to high to even think about committing a crime
Wake up kansas, everyone smokes anyways.. why not make some revenue off it..
From what I’ve learned about this legislation, the bill will not allow any "smokable" form of cannabis. Only gummies or pills, what a CROCK of BS!!