Live PD: Kids These Days (Season 2) | A&E
Live PD: Kids These Days (Season 2) | A&E
Officers in El Paso, TX locate a missing juvenile with an ankle monitor and find that he is in possession of illegal narcotics in this clip from “03.09.18”. #LivePD
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Live PD
Season 2
Episode 39
On “Live PD,” ABC’s Dan Abrams and Dallas Police Department Detectives Rich Emberlin and Kevin Jackson offer insight and commentary as live cameras capture the work of a mix of urban and rural police forces around the country on a typical Friday night.
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Him telling the kid "there’s only one way out" just adds to the kids bravado. Bad thing to say, just arrest him and stop acting like parents.
Texas ain’t no joke "less than one gram" that’s a year in Y.A. my guy. Times are tough
Stop breeding these new gens!!
Officer Julian Peña hot!
13 he’s just a baby….this is sad . I have trouble swallowing that a 13 year old acts this way.
My son? And is it good stuff? Can I see it?
But why is that Officer wearing a grey beanie? It looks so unprofessional, he can’t even match his uniform. Smh.
Bro when I was 13 I was busy playing Halo and worrying about my science test
Ironically all because of the law, all the "advice" or "it’s not too late" talk is like pouring salt on a cut. Cops talking like that to anybody is absolutely insulting, degrading and the whole 9. If police cared, they wouldn’t charge you with anything and point you in the right direction so you can get help. The fact that it’s a 13yr old kid is just worse. His life is over now, you need to be slapped in the mouth if you keep it up. Stfu and let him suffer in peace, you’re only gnna make it worse.
Doing coke at 13? I feel bad for them
thank god I’m not into things like that! I’ll stick with my awesome cat and bearded dragons but drugs? Come on man don’t do this you’ve got a whole life ahead of you
Where was that kids father ? Single mom you say ? Not surprised
God and I thought I was a bad kid
Other officers probably aren’t helping by cursing around the kids
It is definitely a sad reality for this kid. I started regularly smoking weed and drinking, and occasional shrooms when I was only 12 but cops at that time knew my parents would help me more than taking me to jail each time. It’s very unfortunate when a kid passes the point where even the parents have no effect on them changing and in this case, it probably makes it even worse.
I feel terrible for his mother but if her 13 yr old kid is already on ankle monitor for running away and who knows what other charges he has, not to mention adding crack to his activities, the reality is he is completely lost and will probably always will be an issue. An issue that sadly only involves going in and out of jail/prison his entire life.
Man when I was 13 I was worried about if I was able to hang with friends or not lol
This is El Paso.
Um that does not look like Crack at all.. When did Crack cocaine turn dark brown?
Dam that sucks
House arrest and still leaves after yeah he won’t change.
Literally Who Cares
dont move here . harsh laws fo real
Everyone forgets the PARENT raises a kid, can’t really blame him if the mom and dad dgaf
I’m not excusing this or saying it’s okay, but it’s not unbelievable, I was popping Percocet and Xanax and smoking weed when I was in middle school
You should see kids now
If I ever have a child that gets a face tattoo I’m going to backhand him till it comes off.
Man that’s sad
“I smell weed” finds coke
So he was going to go home then not
The way he says crack/cocaine makes me uncomfortable
“You’re only 13 and doing coke”, yeah, you should at least wait til your 16
People don’t understand WHY we do the things we do. I can tell you just based off the video, this kid lives in a bad area. Probably born into poverty. Probably started experiencing the real world at a very young age. Probably also has problems at home with his family. So is HE the monster for looking toward substances for an escape? Or are the people making him do that the real monsters? We are ALL products of our environments. Every last little experience we’ve had with every last little person made us who we are. If you give this kid a nice little cheap house in a good area where he can own the house and live alone, he wouldn’t be into gangs and drugs. Just my opinion
. I feel and experience and do the same things…. Though I’m 21 now.
“I wasn’t doing coke, you can even see in my nose I wasn’t doing coke”
This is good. Just exterminate these undesirables
I blame the parents 100 percent. I enjoy my kids and would do anything to keep them out of situations like this. How sad
Love watching this show when I’m stoned!
Smelled Weed but found Coke?????
Does law enforcement ever NOT smell weed?
Looked like hash to me
They found crack but she smelt weed
That’s sus they say they smelled weed and doing cocain
Tbh I started selling stuff in middle school I’m 16 rn and got multiple charges and a ankle monitor but now I’m a good kid

“At the age of thirteen he used to f movie stars and sniff coke in his dreams,”
they make it sound like they found a baggie when telling the mom but it was only a little residue and tbh we don’t know for sure if it was the residue of crack cocaine because their test kits can be wonky sometimes. idk if it’s over acting but the way they described it to mom seems extra.
If drugs charges don’t make sense for adult addicts, they certainly aren’t appropriate for 13 year old kids.
same cop who let that comedian go for possession and also tampering
His mom doesn’t seem to care enough to speak to him
Diversity is just great for America
They grow up so fast
13 with an ankle bracelet…..not good
These days? Lol this been a thing since the 80s they finally giving them attention now tho
Some kids are too dumb to move on.