ODG’s 2023 OGG Harvesting Big Outdoor Cannabis Plants…A Two Day Event at the Love Shack
ODG’s 2023 OGG Harvesting Big Outdoor Cannabis Plants…A Two Day Event at the Love Shack
It’s Harvest Time at the Love Shack and M.C. has decided to Pull the Trigger on ODG’s 2023 Outdoor Ganja Grow on Pirateboarder Life. With Big Buds and Heavy Colas, Harvesting Big Outdoor Cannabis Plants is a Two Day Event this Season. Check out this Bittersweet Episode of PBL’s highly rated Outdoor Grow Series and Keep the Old Dog Rollin’, right on.
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It is crazy work to harvest
Good job old dog !!!
Pirate border i salute yourways
amazing !
hahahaha… aircraft. I had a patch on the side of a mountain one time back in the day when they’d take your Freedom, house, money and job for growing. It was close to harvest and I was all camo’d up for obvious reasons. I just got to the edge of the patch and a chopper came straight up from below and I didn’t even hear it until it was too late. I’ll never forget standing perfectly still and the spotter in the door was like 50 feet from me looking straight in my eyes. Fuck! The chopper continued on and figuring they had spotted me, I beat feet home, packed some shit and left for a couple days. They never came for the patch and I got it off.
I have grown outdoors most of my adult life and even in different countries. This will be the first year I will be growing legally and with awesome genetics. Girls are about a month old and will be 2 when I put them out. Bucket list shit.
Never be sad on harvest day! Be Happy that the pOlice, thieves, deer or Mother Nature didn’t get them!
absolutely great plants. hoola was one beautiful plant
Thanks for taking us on the journey ODG! Enjoy the fruits of your hard labour!
Harvesting is my favorite part
cool as shit man
Thank you Hula. Idk if I’ve ever heard you say it. But what stain is Hula girl?
It’s been an amazing year for both of us! I got a few weeks to go. You’re on my top 5 growers list. See you next year, you old hornie dog. Hopefully, you have plenty of squirrel this winter to keep you warm.
you look like Buzz from home alone
but greate vibe from you and amazing channel btw, i love it 
I just found your videos. You are so cool. You look like someone who busts grows not actually a grower. Looks are deceiving. Im subbing and starting to watch all your vids. We just became legal in Ohio to grow. Peace!
Yep the airplane or helicopter camp out here when me and my dad used to grow back in the 80 s paranoid when they flew over. No more worry
which one was with miracle gro?
Great job man. Enjoyed your grow vlog.
What province do you live in?
Good stuff
You gonna reveg them?
Much Love & Respect
Just saw this…. First time watching your stuff
Lol keep the stove pumpin
Congrats man. Harvest time is boomin time. Had my stuff harvested for some time now, early cuts is a wicked smoke. Gets me excited for the long haul cure. Also just got a house by the water. Life is good. Big ups
Did u know that 85% of statistics are made up on the spot?
I just harvested 4 big ass plants and it was a ton of work.
Great job my brother despite the storm incident you had some positive karma! Didn’t grow myself this year, but lived vicariously through you. Enjoy your content.
Great job odg
Damn hula girl was buetiful

Awesome harvest

I thought my girls were big. Holy crap those are massive
I’ll take some organic outdoor with less bag appeal grown under natural sun vs some indoor
Just found you, love your attitude. Been growing since ”82”, enjoy.
Beautiful car… my father had one just like it but it was red
..” And a big wheel barrel full of ganjah.
I love your enthusiasm.
Soo much weed! Great job as always
Love your videos! Keep them coming! Wonderful harvest this year!
I appreciate your videos! Keep growing Brother!
You can do a harvest in 2 or 3 cuts! Just take the top buds that are ripe and leave the lowers to ripen a couple more days. Think about it you wouldnt pick all the raspberries just becauze a 1/3 were ripe youd pick the ripe ones and come back in a day or 2 when more have rippened. Why would cannabis be any different?
Big fan here from newly legalized mn. Since we have similar climates, which strains do you prefer for outdoor?
I wish we could share pics back with you
Shit video
Awesome job on the flowers brother glad I found your videos Awesome content thanks for sharing your girls
What time of the year do you plant outdoors?
I live in massena New York Canadian boarder . It is October 19th and only 1 plant has been ready so far . I have 5 left they are doing well even in the cold nights getting very nice colors . This week they will be ready or mostly ready I have 1 that will go till at least November 6th lol she is a monster but started flower later .
Yo broski. I suggested the trim bag last year. I myself have not been impressed with how it works on looser flowers like outdoor. Works great on dense indoor flower but don’t cut it on the outdoor crops..
Found a new stupid simple method that costs almost nothing..I wish I found before.. using just a 5 gallon bucket. Only put like qp in the bucket at a time. (Don’t buy the trimbuddy in this video. You just need a bucket and lid) do the trimbag motion. Then pour it in the trimbag to seperate the shake. It won’t get the crows feet but it works 100x better them the trimbag on my outdoor flowers.
Hmmm looking good
You do any fishing on that pond?
i rlly like your mood, keep this on mann, u have the keys