ODG’s Outdoor 2022 Lollipop Pruning Outdoor Plants for Big Yields…How to Grow Big Cannabis Plants
ODG’s Outdoor 2022 Lollipop Pruning Outdoor Plants for Big Yields…How to Grow Big Cannabis Plants
M.C. is dealing with “Invaders” in his Ganja Garden at the Love Shack. In this episode of ODG’s Outdoor 2022 he let’s Mother Nature do her thing while he does his thing “Lollipop Pruning” the girls. Growing Big Plants is the Goal with Big Yields Expected. Check it out as he shows the PBL Crew a “dinosaur” and a “trim job” in the same video, right on!
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Hey bud, get a roll of short fence and make a small cage! Won’t bother her, and she won’t bother your plants
Yoyoyo good looking can’t wait for the next vid drop

That turtle well bring you good luck.
Can you LST then transplant outdoors, continuing to train, then loli pop? You won’t Frick sakes.
NICE plants Growmie!!
Love the videos and the vibe! Just found you. New Sub!!!
Love your videos. You were a big help last season. My girls are almost close to 6ft. Wondering if you clean your outdoor bud when you harvest your plants. I’ve heard of people doing a peroxide and baking soda clean process with home depot buckets.
Lol i haven’t had a turtle invade yet outdoors, but then again this is only my 3rd year growing! I wonder if she’ll visit me in kawartha lakes
i hate living in Utah! Can’t grow shit here.
Awesome update. Hope she finds a good nest sot not under the ganja. Plants are huge already

right on.
Eh that snapper is killer! You should jst dig her a separate hole with loose dirt if possible. She clearly wants the area if she’s back again. Save those plant ol dog! Keep up the good work, I currently have some leaf septoria fungus going on
What a treat!
Right on
Lookin good
Your an amazing Gardner
beautiful girls
Looks like a skunk was digging for grubs around your plants.
Thank you for all you do man

I need to find this pruning and low stress training video
Right on Mike! I’m sure the snapping turtle appreciates the respect you gave it by letting it leave on her own accord! That respect will be repaid 10 fold by mother nature come harvest time! Good vibes bro

Love your content and your great vibes
Hey Mike, what kinda soil are you using?
Plants look great.
Turtles trip…
Been dealing with a critter issue myself brother, been thinking about putting up a camera. Whatever I have in my grow area is big enough to drag a dead rabbit into it.
Hey man you worked in penetang?