Officials working out details of Texas marijuana law
Officials working out details of Texas marijuana law
How the special oil will be dispensed is being debated by Texas leaders
Officials working out details of Texas marijuana law
How the special oil will be dispensed is being debated by Texas leaders
I think it needs to be leigle . how many people smoke weed and do crazy things like some one drunk. I smoke weed it helps with depression and anxiety . plus it helps me sleep. like the man’s made drugs with all the side affects. so witch is more safe . something man made or something that is’s gods plant it should be legal.
We had a problem on how to get stuff but its now very convenient LOI discreet.
TX: (209) 260-6578
EMAIL..whitesmith404 at gmail dot com
Give us freedom to buy marijuana. We can buy Jack Daniels all day. Hell, people all over TX are making homemade wine and shine. They’re making a whole lot worse than that. Give us our fucking weed !
Fuck Greg Abbott
FAKE NEWS! It’s not illegal marijuana unless it’s over .5% THC. Stupid idiots it’s legal hemp.