Old Dog Grows Outdoor Cannabis “Lollipop” Pruning for Big Yields Simple and Easy Step by Step Guide
Old Dog Grows Outdoor Cannabis “Lollipop” Pruning for Big Yields Simple and Easy Step by Step Guide
It’s time for some Lollipop Pruning at the Love Shack. M.C. displays a Simple and Easy, Step by Step Guide on his side by side Sweet Tooth Cannabis Plants…not Savage but not Shy check it out in this episode of Old Dog Grows Outdoor Cannabis.
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The ladies are looking awesome! Can’t wait to see how they explode over the next month.
It’s doing really good, growing like a weed! I can’t wait to harvest! Keep it up…. 🕶🤙
Love your channel! Getting ready to do some lolipopping on my girls tomorrow!
Are you in Cameron, Ontarion? Just north of Lindsay. Im just outside of Lindsay, before you hit Dunsford. Nice to see some locals. Cheers.
lookin good brother, cheerz
Are you still doing the miracle gro comparison?
Also a great time to take clones of the tasty smelling phenos.
Oh heck yeah brother. Those girls are exploding. I had my doubts about your grow season but hot damn if they are kicking off extremely well. Going to be some great bushes come flower.
::Thumbs up::
Gorgeous gals <3 . <3
I usually take everything about 6-8 inches up from the medium or so( 15 to 20 cm for the non-imperial measurers) depending on the height of the plant. Would you mind specifying about how high up on average you like to prune(either by measurement or maybe roughly the percentage of the plants height like 20 of the way up etc)? I subbed last year through Reddit. I was wondering if you had any tips on maximizing space in your drying area without overcrowdinv?
I know that it’s probably a bit early in the season to be thinking about that but I like to be proactive. Barring any unforeseen issues I may have produced a little bit more material than will fit in my living accommodations when it comes time to dry. Outside of Staggering Harvest any tips or hacks? That goes for anyone reading this as well.
Look at them beautiful legs on them girls…nice work keep it growing dog