Oregon's low pot prices continue to fall

Oregon's low pot prices continue to fall

Oregon’s legal marijuana prices spiked during the pandemic, but in their latest report to lawmakers, the OLCC says the prices have fallen 16% from last year, to about $4 a gram. A partner in Bend’s Tokyo Starfish gave us his views on why. | Read more: https://ktvz.com


  1. @Poth1223 on December 29, 2023 at 3:13 am

    I wish we had that problem in NJ

  2. @atlantasober on December 29, 2023 at 3:16 am

    honesty, as a Portland resident I absolutely do not mind

  3. @moemaster1966 on December 29, 2023 at 3:27 am

    Well not being to use the banking system the black market and no way to sell to other free states will probably help keep the erosion of the quality businesses going the farmers need to become co-op’s and work together in some form if they expect to survive just like the dairy farmers didn’t….

  4. @naturalmystic5098 on December 29, 2023 at 3:30 am

    That’s what happens. Homeless rises because they smoking the wrong stuff, they are not smoking the green.

  5. @diegosanchez6305 on December 29, 2023 at 3:35 am

    So basically they all bit off more than they could chew due to the mindset of oh if it worked last year , it can work this year . Combined with people barley able to afford groceries on top of bills and taxes . How could this have gone wrong lmao

  6. @makarov9x186 on December 29, 2023 at 3:45 am

    Either let it keep dropping/keep the same price and satisfy the customers or let the government limit licenses. Could even push for all states to be legal but only certain states can produce it. Dude was spot on with the "green rush" all these self proclaimed "pot heads/stoners" jumped the gun and everyone got in the business. Common sense in business is more competition = lower profit margins. Gotta beat the competition or you won’t last another day. I’m sure we’ll see bigger companies take over as with any industry. Bringing prices slightly back up and bringing more consistency in production. Less low level trash flooding the market. I know people who would still smoke Reggie if they could get it. Dirt cheap. Used to be able to buy a pound for like 300 and even less in higher quantities. I’ve seen places in Arizona charge 300 for an ounce of some shit that doesn’t even compare to old school bc chronic. Currently the marijuana market is still in it’s beginning. We’ll see it continue to fluctuate in price and quality until there is a standard. Worst part of legalization is the pride, love, and joy have been taken away. It’s all about profits. The dank back in the day was grown by dudes who truly loved their craft and wanted to bring better and better product to their customers. Of course it was still money driven but less so. Absolutely more pride in their work though. Another thing is these money hungry dispos have mixed a lot of sativa and indica with ruderalis plants. They do this cause the ruderalis plants are stronger and take less care but produce low quality bud. Only got ruderalis back when it was coming across the border. Yeah, Reggie, that dirt weed. Now ya get it right here in the states crossed with good strains. Strains, that’s another thing. They’ve unfortunately decided they will call a plant whatever when it really isn’t. So don’t waste your time strain hunting like you used to be able to. Used to be that if you liked a strain you liked it and could be satisfied enough to get it again if it’s available. Would be the same exact weed even if you bought it years later. Not the case anymore. Legalization has crippled the marijuana industry with their scum bag bullshit sales margins. Every strain I’ve tried from any dispo has never been true. Looks, smell, taste, and high are way the fuck off and you can clearly tell what bud was crossed with ruderalis cause they all have a noticable smell and taste. Also highs have changed a lot. Used to be able to get sativa that actually perked you up. Now it seems like any sativa I try is really like indica with more sedative effects. You self proclaimed "pot heads/stoners" ruined what you "love". Always hated those douchebags. "Haha yeah man. I’m a stoner" like please sit down. Nobody gives a fuck. Just smoke and chill. No need to make marijuana your personality. Those people make me think "drug addicts". Oh but pot isn’t addictive and there aren’t withdrawals. Bullshit, that’s completely false. I’ve said this shit for years and years but finally science has backed it up. Pot should only be used medically or very responsibly. Make sure you have everything done for the day you need done before getting high. Don’t ever let it get in the way of bills. Yeah, I’ve seen people not able to buy food cause they bought a sack and gotta wait to get paid again. That’s fucking sad and it’s real. Of course some are more susceptible than others. Anyhow that’s my two cents on the current state of pot in America. Agree or not a lot of what I said is factual while some is certainly opinions

  7. @johnsheetz6639 on December 29, 2023 at 3:50 am

    Competition drives prices down where I live in two blocks there’s three dispensaries, and an old Warehouse. growing. I never imagined it could be this way. It’s like it was the one prayer that actually worked for me.

  8. @aliabdelaziz905 on December 29, 2023 at 3:55 am

    Your telling me business is slow??? That’s crazy it’s not like jobs ain’t paying good or grocery’s and gas prices are sky high and utilities almost doubled

  9. @steviecarrolljr3508 on December 29, 2023 at 4:00 am

    I figured a lot of us are getting screwed in the long run😂