Patients and families ‘denied access’ to medicinal cannabis despite 2018 law change | ITV News
Patients and families ‘denied access’ to medicinal cannabis despite 2018 law change | ITV News
Within two weeks of taking medical cannabis, Fallon Levy’s life was transformed.
The 30-year-old had been suffering 200 seizures a month as a result of a severe form of epilepsy.
For decades the seizures, combined with the powerful epilepsy medicine she had been prescribed, meant it was hard for her to talk, chew food and even sit in a chair.
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I’m smoking on some agent x looking at my weed plants love Tucson
The system is fake. Just grow that vegetable yourselves. It’s food.
Ahh yes those "long term randomised trials" that were needed for the vaccines…
Its a plant ffs….carzy world we live in being controlled all our lives by people we dont even know.ridiculous
We have medicinal weed in nz anyone with serious medical conditions can get it here i take cbd and use buds everyday
Yeap it’s super expensive, you get access via ltd clinics that extort you 75-150£ for phone conv on top of the prescription… When we could grow our own medicine
Unless it’s a covid vaccine then all the rules go out the window
It’s getting ridiculous now! How is this still a debate?
There’s no way she’s spending £2000 a month I get 3oz a month of flower and I pay around £900 a month
that’s because the pharmaceutical company wants you on there filthy pills instead of natural good medication. they are hungry for your health and money. just buy it off someone nice enough to sell you it. screw the law!!
Government out scamming it’s citizens again
Uk always far behind compare to most countries in Europe continent, even Germany legalised it lol !
legalize it federally period. this helps people
Legalisation is win win.
Win for patients like me to grow at home very cheap and win for the government in taxation from dispensaries, cafe, shops etc….
Unforgivable! The UK government and current legal system are an international joke.
So the government is growing Cannabis and the public cannot disgraceful!
Grow your own its very cost efective
I hop one day this medication is recognised
The uk is the largest supplier of medical cannabis in the world yet its illegal for us in this country
and told " No medical value "
Its a plant that kills no one. I just got 18 month probation for growing a small personal crop to treat my PTSD for god sake its a plant banned to stop hippies protesting against war in the 60’s
Tell her to start buying it from a street dealer or grow it herself
People are getting psychosis and mental health issues from smoking black market cannabis that is unregulated because of the government and can be laced or spray with synthetic cannabinoids and god knows what else
It’s outrageous, medical cannabis saves millions of lives and helps people suffering and I know of many people who use cannabis to treat Epilepsy and many other conditions that cause daily life to be very hard to live and I personally use medical cannabis to help my ADHD and Autism struggles which get in the way of my day to day life and I’ve tried many common medications for adhd and they all disagreed with me and medical cannabis is the only medicine that helps me the most and doesn’t disagree with me. But overall I think it should be completely decriminalised and made available to anyone who needs it to help with any conditions they find it helps with and statistics do show how beneficial it is to people who are in need of it including myself and millions of others. Please, please, please think deeply into it and decriminalise it eventually our government!
As a patient here in NZ it is so easy to obtain and no where near those prices in UK. 2k a month is a crime in itself.
It’s straight out wrong this is, it’s the government’s plan to make money from it, cos if dealers can make then they want to make
Exclude the NHS and all other third parties, we don’t care that you can’t make money off us! Just decriminalise the plant!
Ireland and UK drag you to court for 2 quids worth. Jokers.
This is so sad I hope the best for her & I hope they legalise it
The solution is simple: allow a person to get a licence to grow but not sell to sell. You need a licence to do so. If you are growing or selling without a licence, then you are guilty of trafficking. It’s not perfect, but unless they don’t get their grubby hands on making a bit of money on the side, they’ll never do anything to help those who need help. Also, it should be made law that due to the licence fee, there could never be a charge of VAT for 500 years. (2524)
However, the licences are for the number of plants a person has, e.g., 3 plants £30 per year, and so on. Therefore, a person with acres of plants has a lot of money to pay each year. Greed is not good.
Its crazy they rather have me taking morphine fir my constant pain
yet they allowed a vax after no tests????
Hypocrisy is in this uk government,they can grow and distribute in around the continent,but not in its own country to help people with its benefits,simple,,,,,legalise the beneficial plant,help others and your pockets in making ridiculous amount of revenue.
Lots of cbd

The state of the world! Just legalise it for goodness sake
Can’t you simply get a private prescription so your ‘legal’ then pay for black market bud?
Decriminalise it. Let people grow their own.
We can get prescriptions for opioids that can be very addictive that can contain herion codeine, tramadol, but yet they won’t prescribe cannabis for for patients who need it to help pain so what’s the difference?
This doesn’t surprise me at all! It’s the anglicants at Whitehall those "quangos" who are most likely makn it difficult for those with GENUINE NEEDS to get cannabis legally n no im not a user of the stuff but those who are shud be allowed to have it as a medication.its a shame Anti Depressants wernt so easily available to get regardless of whether they actually help a patient! The financial incentive plus the bonus’ s GP surgeries get from the pharmaceutical companies to "push" SSRI type anti depressents is wrong on so meny levels.Long term use to SSRI anti depressents which cause legions to appear in ur brain over time and numb ur senses collectively turning u into an emotionless cold hearted zombie
Anyway as for the relevent content issue in this video I also don’t promote the use of cannabis either as it makes u dim witted imo and lack motivation and common sense! Praps not for everyone but from wot I’ve seen myself personally with friends who use cannabis n yea I tried it long time ago it didn’t agree with me n i hated the feeln! But it shud be made available to those who are medically in needs of it like any other needed n required medication!
legalization without home grow is just the government becoming evil drug cartels. if people could home grow the community would get together and make this girl’s medicine for her for dirt cheap or for free.
Pots everywhere I can go to any town and find weed… Sad ppl aren’t allowed to buy or grow it everywhere
So it can take decades to assess its safety and efficacy?
We just going to ignore the thousands of years of its well documented use as a medicine and therapeutic then?
The ol’ jibby-jabby was brand new and experimental and it was pushed on everyone without a shred of longterm data (and most of us know by now how that worked out), but the herb?
……Can’t risk that, it might turn out to be dangerous, we simply don’t have enough longterm data,……..
Fkn idiots.
Worse than that, they think WE’RE the fkn idiots.
Legalize it for christ sake
Even tax it
People have asked this for ages
Can the gov actually do there job for once
if i was her… id be using that house money to buy a house somewhere else in the world where people are civilized and grow your own… 24 grand a yr is unsustainable…
I went private, I’m kinda bankrupt paying for it, but I can live my normal life again
Are they serious?
"Access" to weed in the UK is, ahem, hardly challenging…
2000 a month? What dispenser’s are you using? I get 60g a month from as little as £300 a month via curaleaf. Could pay slightly more fornmore expensive stuff but £2000 a month?? Are you throwing it out the window?
If not a single gram is available who they growing it for

It’s insane that people are not permitted to do as they wish with their own bodies, provided it harms no-one else. Surely this is a basic human freedom being denied.