Personal cannabis use legalised in Canberra | 7NEWS
Personal cannabis use legalised in Canberra | 7NEWS
The ACT has passed a bill to legalise possessing and growing cannabis for personal use. The bill allows Canberrans over the age of 18 to possess 50 grams of cannabis and grow two plants – but sharing it with another person is still prohibited.
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It’s a plant not drug drugs are synthetically made chemically induced
You australians don’t deserve legal weed until you stop smoking out of plastic bottle bongs and roll proper js
looking for a shared home in Canberra.
Hurry the f up Sydney! Update our laws
Four years later and still zero forward progress. Now the only difference is there is now over 280 000 legal medicinal cannabis patient’s. And the laws still haven’t changed, it’s absolutely ridiculous and this needs to be changed now.
I’m a family man I know how it feels to lost money I can’t jeopardize my business because of little cash my main priority is for our costomer to receive maximum satisfaction💯I know you have friends and family you have to smoke with we don’t play games brother
You can count on us for save delivery
Shame they don’t do commercial tobacco
claims drugs are not ok yet people can drink and smoke cigarettes
Legalise it all over the country
i was born in canberra. too bad i already moved to another country
Legalise cannabis Australia.
just shows how pollies dont know a thing about cannabis, and the fact its been used for 1000’s of years and was only made illegal by the US because it made white women sleep with black people and made people killers. There are plenty of Documentrys to show all this and more, including plenty of studies. but as usual Aussie pollies and the media dont care about us just their own personal goals and what they want…….Aussie polliesand one sided media = greed and power screw the voters/viewers….p.s. Alcohol and cigerttes plus most medicine is dangerious, my pain meds make me go into a heroin like withdrawal if i miss 1 day. I use medical cannabis for my pain and my anxierty also to make me feel hungry as my normal meds make not want to eat. Thats all i got to say…cheers
Funny how it’s blamed for mental health issues 😂 alcohol has been the enemy of mental health, domestic violence, deaths, murders etc for centuries but no one speaks about that. It’s ridiculous that Australia is behind the rest of the world with legalisation. I guarantee that once it’s legal Australia’s deficits will by wiped in a couple years.
Bullshit whys it gotta be in canberra
Smoking cannabis may cause mental health problems, really?
In the United States there are 480,000 deaths per year related to smoking cigarettes. 41,000 deaths resulting from second hand smoke that’s 1300 deaths every day.
Funny how the media always tries to scare us with these bullshit claims about cannabis but yet they’re silent on the deaths related to cigarettes.
Now for the rest of the country.
Canabis , weeeed , ice , puff , gear
Come on chaps.Other states are condemning smokers to fines,jail & a life ofcriminality because of crim.record for possess small amiunt of weed.Ashamed you should be.What’s good for goose is good for gander.Also,look up Amsterdam top 10 coffee shops.Pathetic.Let’s have some choice.Oz.choice is alcohol& stuff,yourself with tucker.
So now a year later.
Why haven’t the other states followed suite?
Ohhh, because it’s to cover the backsides of political figures.
Is this legalized still there??
Entrapment if ive ever seen it.
You can posses weed but still be charged with possession?????
Well guess I’m leaving Queensland and going to Canberra
Been waiting 50years now their all quing to make money out of it medical marijuana joke no change cause their making more money on narcotics sick society wake up people before it’s to late!
Alcohol IS a drug and 1000x more dangerous than cannabis. Sooooo…. why is it not legal for recreational use yet ?
Hmm no dislikes
Yo let me try your weed and i’ll let you try mine and we’ll have a big sesh, chillout and play some video games or watch some movies.
Wait that’s illegal.
What about the rest of Australia it’s now 2023…
Say yes ….. there’s more in Australia…… white and black they smoke……in Australia…. come and see…….
Doesn’t the government grow opium? Methadone,morphine ,Codeine, the list is long.
Maybe that’s why, it’ll hurt their industry.
Come off It. 🤫
Yeah and it’s grown with PGR chemicals.
Amazing that people can be so ignorant to think that cannabis is more harmful than alcohol and tobacco.
Why don’t we change the Commonwealth law
‘small amount’
’50 grams’
The correspondent is stoned 😂
Who is the government to tell me what I cannot put into my body.
Every interview the say it’s linked to mental problems , alchohol turns soms people into animals?! , i dont use it myself but honestly if they legalized it it wouldn’t bother me , they gonna do their own thing and will not get in anyones way
They all should be stoned and be on the news explaining this… I wanna know if there would be a difference…
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>TREAT IT LIKE A TOMATO PLANT ++++++THINK<<<<<<<<<<
Cannabis is a recreation and that’s why it’s important to some people. Sometimes I feel that people who are against it, are just channeling their own difficulties, into something that they don’t like. A lot of people who are against it, haven’t even tried it. So how can they even be entitled to be part of the conversation. When can reprieve be expected? I literally haven’t smoked for years. And I am so sad without it. Getting older and without something that I love – it’s really hurtful.
Doesn’t everyone accept the national cannabis legalisation is inevitable? It’s happening in USA, Canada, etc. and it will happen here. Stop holding us in the past Liberal members.
i wish they would legalise it for sale and recreational use already
*Cop says,…Hmmmm? should I bust this guy smoking weed with a friend and not bothering anyone or should I bust someone who is killing people or robbing houses? Hard choice….