Pesticides in Marijuana
The biggest barrier to reducing toxic pesticides in cannabis is, not surprisingly, the cannabis industry itself.
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For more on the link between the tobacco and marijuana industries, check out: Will Cannabis Turn Into Big Tobacco? (
I have a whole catalogue of marijuana videos and I’ve got more to come. Here are the ones that are already up in case you missed any:
• The Institute of Medicine Report on the Health Effects of Marijuana (
• Researching the Health Effects of Marijuana (
• Is Marijuana Addictive? (
• Does Marijuana Cause Health Problems? (
• Does Marijuana Cause Permanent Brain Damage in Teens? (
• Does Marijuana Cause Permanent Brain Damage in Adults? (
• Marijuana Legalization and the Opioid Epidemic (
• Effects of Smoking Marijuana on the Lungs (
• Smoking Marijuana vs. Using a Cannabis Vaporizer (
• Does Marijuana Cause Lung Cancer? (
• Can Cannabis Cure Cancer? (
• Are Cannabis Edibles Safe? (
More tobacco industry parallels can be found in Big Food Using the Tobacco Industry Playbook (, American Medical Association Complicity with Big Tobacco (, and How Smoking in 1959 is Like Eating in 2019 (
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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM
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Image credit: Andrea / Adobe Stock photos
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We need to fight for homegrow. It hurts the current cannabis pockets, so both the legal, and traditional markets are not fighting for it.
another reason to be straight edge
Big Industry? Crazy, Rich A-holes? Jeopardizing humanity at large? I am utterly surprised.
Thanks for the information, I really love your content. I’m now trying to find veganic growers and where to buy from them. Love the information!
Keep voting y’all so the gov can destroy every last natural healing thing left on this planet. They already poisoned the air, water, food.
when will humans learn
So long as you keep a clean greenhouse or grow room with good ventilation you will not need pesticides. Growers who fumigate during budding should be criminalized as should dispensaries who sell their product. A smart grower always has two gardens in case one becomes unsaveable. An honest one would rather tear down and start over rather than sell poison medicine to sick people.
Holy fuck what an annoying voice.
solution is simple: BUILD THE WALL! BUILD THE WALL! -sigh- i’ll get my hat.
This aged like fine wine bro
Druggies don’t care about pesticides as long as they are getting a high.
Thank God i quit smoking. pot when i accepted Jesus in 1978!!!
Well to be fair, pesticides are all over those other vegetables too. I’m also not sure what the motive would be for "unscrupulous" growers to put even more toxic substances in their product. This is only speculation, even if it is the speculation of labs in CA. Since tobacco and cannabis are the two things people like to smoke, it’s reasonable to assume that cannabis will suffer some of the same health drawbacks as tobacco. How many people who like to smoke tobacco smoke organic tobacco? If cannabis was legal to GROW, people everywhere could easily control for the set of problems presented in the video. It’s easy to blame the substance, but boil the issue down and it’s just politics to blame.
Ahh yes, my favorite _dietary_ channel
Awesome! Dr. G said bong. The greatest
Organic weed?
Thats why I buy organic weed or pesticide free weed only. Or buy from those I know who grow it indoors with no pesticides.
I want to know what growers are testing bad. !
The funny thing is..
Strawberries contain more pesticides than Cannabis
Remember he has never factored in butane in any of his vids from bong usage. So we pretend this is science about just weed. He might be right about regulating though
I know at least 50 people who have a marijuana card, and not one of them really needs it.
For all of the marijuana videos, go to our playlist – -NF Team
I only smoke grass fed crack, it’s way healthier than that marijuana _plant._
heroin > marijuana
Yes I’m new
i love pesticides
Go veganic and grow your own!
Great video. But I just wish you could go into more detail in defining what the "industry" is.
If you care about your health you shouldn’t smoke anything, medical studies have shown smoking causes cancer. Besides THC makes you stupid, several medical studies have shown that smoking marijuana lowers your IQ.
I buy my weed from an organic grower, he uses living soil and only uses water, no added nutes.
Diatomaceous earth is a 100% ORGANIC pesticide. If an insect with an exoskeleton gets diatomaceous earth on them, they die.
Mix some into the top few inches of the soil to keep bugs away.
Organic marijuana.
Grow your own.
Literally EVERYTHING is contaminated with Monsanto’s chemical soup… GROW YOUR OWN EVERYTHING !
Thank god when weed was legalized here in Canada they went all out and legalized it nationwide and heavily regulated it with no loopholes. Seems like a dangerous mess down south.
I believe everything this man said

Local dispensary tests all for mold/mildew/pesticides. Refuses to carry mj that doesn’t meet their standards (higher than state standards). Also, grow your own.

I’m curious if we can tell anything from the amount of exhale smoke ? I had some organic – and there was a lot more smoke.- great video
Not their fault they have to spray it because of idiotic bugs and pests that there isnt any way to get rid of like why do these bugs that eat our plant exists?
Yes I’m new
neem oil causes vomiting.
I thought there was a lot of organic stuff grown in Cali. Is that better? What about the addition of tobacco to make burning slower? Is that happening?
why are you reading it so dramatically
I Was Just Looking For An Organic Pesticide To Combat Thrips, Thank You For The Unexpected Info Though! What A Fucked Up World We Live In Huh

You’re worried about pesticides in pot and not that American people have been eating fruits and vegs. all these years and nothing has been done about the fact that theirs pesticides in them and rice and potatoes and…………
get a life!
My dispensary sells organic ganj and tests their products as well. This is why legalization needs to happen so it can be regulated
When I use to grow it we had a problem with pests eating them when they were young as the plants got older the pests wouldn’t eat them.
We didn’t want to spray chem on our plants.
But plants around our plants that were untouched by pests we could make a strong tea out of and spray our plants with. Organics?
As with almost everything else, gotta go organic!
Awesome vid!
Yes I am