Prevent & Treat Powdery Mildew and 4 Home Remedies that Work!!
Prevent & Treat Powdery Mildew and 4 Home Remedies that Work!!
In this video you will learn how to prevent powdery mildew on vegetables like tomatoes and squash. You will also learn what to do if you already have it with 4 home remedies. Plus an organic method that can wipe it out in as little as 24 hours!
Video Links
Growing and Pruning Tomatoes:
Growing Squash (and Zucchini) Vertically:
Quick & Easy Drip Irrigation:
Neem Oil:
Fish/Seaweed Fertilizer :
Keeping the squash and cucumber of the ground seems to help. A good breathable plastic ground cover under the plants really helps when it rains so they don’t get splashed. Never had much luck with neem, soap or milk. Tends to make the leaves funky. Best just to keep them trim, off the ground and don’t splash the dirt on them when watering. If you want to grow these plants, you will always have mildew. Just fight the good fight
I have looked at a few article on powdery mildew – and thank you for yours – what no one says is how often do you use milk or Neem oil or baking soda – should it be used once a day / twice a day / once a week??????????????? I’m guessing you continue until it is gone, BUT HOW OFTEN???. I just learned about powdery mildew and one plant I treated – seems like I removed most of its leaves for being already infected – was this a big mistake ? These plants I recently treated are sunflowers. Hope you can help – I am subscribing your website
@ Next level gardening
it’s a mess.
Thank you for the tips, I have just come out from taking of milldew leaves from my plants
But can you say what is the name of the yellow plant in the video where you show the Bees pollinating, it looks like milkweed but I didn’t know it came in a yellow color.
If it is, where can I purchase seeds?
Thanks again for the tips, will be trying the milk application tomorrow.
What do I do if I have an outbreak in my Topsy turvy tomato and pepper plants because obviously I can’t control the water getting on the leaves. Please tell me that you have an idea about what I can do without having to take them out of the pots because I don’t have that option

Man this year i got alot of rain at a bad time and this crap spread all over the place smh. I get it every year but usually not until the end of the season so i still always get pumpkins before it ruins them.
Wondering why you didn’t mention “copper” fungicide?
milk did the trick for me earlier this year
Good video!
A nursery told me I should dig up my rose bushes cause of powdery mildew!
will this work even if this was going on last year?
Interesting. I’m new to all of this. I started a small garden for the first time. The Phlox are the plants with the powdery mildew. I ordered a fungicide from Amazon and sprayed it on today. If that doesn’t work I’ll try the milk or neem oil.
How about treating the soil? I am about ready to do my fall planting and wondering if I need to throw away all of the soil as there is white powdery throughout, even 6" deep.
Thank you
He talks too much get too the point
Does the milk treatments make it smell bad around that area?
Instead of mouthwash, can I use my moonshine? It’s pure ethanol.
Dude you got powdery mildew on your chin. That shit is out of controlv
I think I’m going to try the vinegar one. I have a question; does the milk solution cause a smell? Because I think it would cause a big stink in the garden that can cause problems if you live in a densely-packed neighborhood
Does Neem oil affect praying mantises?
Gardening is even harder than coding, you never know from where bugs will appear.
Why would you put them in the trash. So it can go into a garbage truck so the spores can be blown down the road and spread across the county. Dumbest thing I have ever heard. Leave it in your property and quit spreading it to everyone else.
I started to use white vinegar in my humidifier water and powdery mildew was gone in 24 hrs
This infection killed my tomato plants and cucumbers. Thank you for the information, definitely going to try
We havd had weird weather,and for the first time my roses are dying from what looks like mould,mainly from the idiginous cherry native to the area. So sad.
Thanks I will try
Superb…very nice style
I just discovered that neem oil kills butterfly caterpillars. I have raised Monarchs and couldn’t figure out why the caterpillars were unable to finish forming their chrysalis last year. I discovered the spray drifted to the milkweed in my garden and that’s what ended up killing them. So if you care about butterflies neem oil is not the way to go.
I like the ATARI T-Shirt !!!
Downey mildew is the real nightmare
I use frankencense oil works great
If there’s no sun is it ok to spray the milk?
Do you recommend spraying vinegar one week, then alternating to baking soda the next, ….
Will try Neem Oil. But my beebalm and a viburnum get decimated every year by powdery mildew. The soil is likely full of spore that grows up with the plants.
Hi, Brian – A couple of other questions for you.
I have 4 Freestone nectarine trees of various varieties (3 white & 1 yellow). They are now mature trees. For the first few years we had great harvests and the nectarines were like sugar in your mouth. Last year we still had quite a few, but the taste just wasn’t there and something is eating the nectarines from the inside out or so it seems. It looks like the nectarines have sap on the outside of them and they have cracked open. When you cut them open it looks like there has been a worm or something similar inside the nectarine. Any ideas and/or suggestions?
I have a Cape Honeysuckle plant which is planted in one of those 20 gallon "cloth" type containers. Last year it was covered in beautiful, brilliant orange blooms until late fall. This year it started to bloom and as the blooms died I dead headed them so it would keep blooming and it did for awhile. Now there are no blooms at all, not even buds. The ph is 7 and according to Google the Cape Honeysuckle likes its ph between 7-9. The leaves look great, just no blooms. By this time last year it was in full bloom. About 2 weeks ago my husband gave it some type of blue liquid fertilizer he makes up from powder, but I have no idea what it is. He uses it on EVERYTHING.
Any idea why it stopped blooming? I keep it on the moist side as it seems to like being moist.
Thanks for your insight and help.
Trying vinegar
So is this infection inside the actual plant or just on the surface of the leaves? And why is it only affecting my pumpkins?
Neem is not harmful to bees. I buy neem tree honey all the time
Milk is super effective at stopping powdery mildew. I’ve used it full strength in a sprayer and it completely stops the powdery mildew every time. However in my super humid Florida climate, as the milk breaks down it later on encourages black sooty mold to grow on the leaves. Maybe sulfur could be followed to kill the black sooty mold ?
Blessings in an abundance of the faith. I salute you.
Grace and peace be unto you and to this place. God bless you. Thank you. 

God thank you for healing us from blight, mildew and mold. Will you believe and receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and personal saviour??? I do. Thank you for healing us and helping us clean and keeping us safe from blight, mildew and mold. Yesterday, today and tomorrow and for eternity in the mighty name of Jesus. I pray for health throughout the heaven, the earth and the firmament in Jesus name amen
2x natural green soap – 4x milk – 6x water. Try to avoid hitting or dripping on to the ground.
I have saprophytic fungus throughout my soil. Can I water it with a peroxide and water mixture?
I need help. My beautiful cabbage is starting to head. But I now have yellow spots on the leaves. Around the bigger leaves edges. Anyone???? Help.
Throw leaves in garbage? Might end up with a lot of organic material in the trash eh? There must be a better option. It seems to me that hot composting should destroy powdery mildew spores/structures, especially in the presence of lactobaccilus.
My peach tree has this now in late August. Should i treat it or will it go away when the leaves fall in the Fall? If i just let the leaves fall, will it come back in the spring?
If warm humid climate is the cause then why do clone domes have healthy plants and don’t produce powdery mildew ?
How about treating the soil? I am about ready to do my fall planting and wondering if I need to throw away all of the soil as there is white powdery throughout, even 6" deep.
Used neem as directed and pruned some plant. Came back the next day to another leave covered. And I sprayed the heck out of it…. Should I try another solution?
Looks like u have a hedgehog on your chin

My liiacs thank you
I have yet to have Neem Oil do anything for Mildew on my plants no matter when or how I spray it on the plant. Although I think it’s "Downey" Mildew if that makes any difference. Any other suggestions on what to use? I live in Fresno, CA and the zone can be anywhere between 9-10 depending on what your zip code is.
Also, how do you get rid of Fire Blyth? Neem Oil doesn’t work. I ended up digging up my 2 Bartlett pear trees because I couldn’t get rid of it and then it spread to my Bing Cherry tree which I eventually ended up taking out too.
I really enjoy your videos. Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge with the rest of us who try to grow our own vegetables, etc.
What works best??!