Reducing cannabis and chemical exposure risks in Canada: Strategies and resources for public safety

Reducing cannabis and chemical exposure risks in Canada: Strategies and resources for public safety

Unintended exposures to cannabis and to chemicals and pollutants in and around the home pose risks to public health and safety in Canada. Hosted by Sarah Macdonald from Parachute, this webinar will highlight two Health Canada initiatives targeting risk management and reduction in these areas.

First, presenter Sieara Plebon-Huff, Scientific Evaluator in Health Canada’s Office of Cannabis Science and Surveillance – Pharmacovigilance Division, will introduce participants to Health Canada’s Vigilance Framework for Cannabis. Participants will hear about data findings, key issues (e.g., pediatric cannabis exposures), and activities and resources developed by the program to help track and mitigate these exposures.

Second, presenters Odette Bose and Heloise Tachaeur from Health Canada’s Environmental Health Program will share outreach activities conducted under the Chemicals Management Plan aimed at helping people reduce environmental risks posed by chemicals and pollutants in and around the home. Participants will learn about the resources and tools used by Risk Communication and Public Involvement Officers to support public outreach and engagement for poison prevention awareness and chemical exposure reduction.

Slide 10 – Activity book:
Slide 12 – Healthy Home Challenge:
Slide 14 – Healthy Home Campaign page:


Sieara Plebon-Huff
Scientific Evaluator, Controlled Substances and Cannabis Branch, Health Canada

Odette Bose
Risk Communication and Public Involvement Officer in Alberta and North region, Regulatory, Operations and Enforcement Branch, Health Canada

Heloise Tachaeur
Risk Communication and Public Involvement Officer in Ontario, Regulatory, Operations and Enforcement Branch, Health Canada