The hassle of dealing with growing lights, almost made me give up on gardening. You too? Luckily, I found a better way to start seeds.
Instead of using forking out money for even a moderately priced grow light, you can start your spring and summer garden for pennies by winter sowing in milk jugs. It’s cheap, it’s simple, there’s virtually no maintenance. Better yet- it actually works.
What is winter sowing?
Winter sowing is the process of placing seeds in closed containers to create a mini greenhouse that is kept outdoors. It is an especially enticing method for those that don’t have room for sowing indoors (ya’ know, because you need tables or tiered shelving racks, drip trays, growing flats, etc.) or prefer to avoid expensive grow light purchases to still grow from seed. Winter sowing allows seeds to get better germination rates, is excellent for cool season herbs and vegetables, and is inexpensive.
How do milk jugs grow plants?
A milk jug provides plants with their own individual greenhouse that creates and maintains the ideal microclimate a seed needs to germinate. Cool season crops require a process of ‘hardening off’ which automatically happens when jugs are kept outside through the winter, naturally experiencing cold weather conditions. This exposure stops seed dormancy and triggers germination more successfully than seeds grown indoors.
#wintersowing #seedstartinginmilk jugs #millkjugplanting #plantseedsinmilkjugs
Do you dream of a simple, homestead lifestyle filled with home-cooked meals and a connection to your community, stewardship of the land, and animals? Is your current reality on the opposite end of that because you live in an apartment, townhouse, in the city, or small space? Don’t let that stop you from cultivating homestead skills! My channel is here to help you ‘just start’ by giving you attainable goals, doable projects, and scaling your micro modern homestead over time. Let’s learn to farm, homestead, can and ferment the harvest from our backyards, containers, or farmers markets, garden, make our own natural products and more!
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Thanks for the copyright free music YT Creator Studio!
Thanks for the great tips, Cassandra. Time to go buy some milk!
Wow wow wow! Thanks. Can’t wait to start!
I tried it for this year, and I see them already growing. I’m so excited
I even use it as a in door green house. Go check out my video 
Good job on this video! New subscriber
Can I leave the tops on inside I will take them off outside
Did u cut each side
Fabulous video!
This is methods to water the seeds in the jug.
New to your channel! New gardener last year. I see you did carrots…I didn’t think root vegetables did well with transplanting
can you show the process of what you do with this winter sowing project once you’re ready to transplant. Loving all your videos!
Tried winter sowing for the first time last year. Game changer!!
Thank you for the video! Been wanting to start this for the upcoming spring/summer!
My husband saw my milk jug stash he was like What Is This????
New subbie, Great informative video, I will definitely give this a try. Thanks for sharing!~
Thank you for this tutorial. I wanted to try something like this next year. We just moved and cherry tomatoes and bell peppers are all I can manage this grow season. I no longer have the space to use a full on grow system and will be starting from scratch for my garden and pantry. I am really scaling down from my old way and love your channel for figuring out how to do it all with just a little grow space.
I’m in Zone 7, Can I start this method in March?
Love this tutorial, but just to clarify, you said OPAQUE (means NO light gets through), but really should say TRANSLUCENT, which is what the milk containers are, does allow some light through.
This is a great video. Recent subscriber here. I started my seeds in water jugs a few weeks ago and am just seeing germination. I didn’t know about the blanket tip. It was cold her in SE PA over the weekend. I hope I didn’t lose anything. TFS!
I love the winter sowing season!
Wow I just saw your video In my feed. I’m a new subscriber to your channel. I love these kind of videos I learn so much!
Thanks for the video, liked that it was short and direct! I will try this with toilet paper rolls for my cold tolerant seeds.
I have heard this isn’t good for tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers. Does anyone have suggestions for heat loving long season plants?
I grow indoors =) but yeah winter sowing is good, I like to winter sow native wildflowers in trays with domes
Hi! I recently started some little greenhouse milk jugs but only have sugar snap peas. Is it normal for it to take weeks to sprout?? Thanks!
Great video, trying this in VA!
What kind of veggies is best for doing this? Any?
I’m so excited to try this sometime in the next week. Is there a specific month of the year to do this based on your zone? Thanks for a well put-together and informative video!
Great tutorial; placing a coffee filter in the bottom of the jug helps too. I used zip ties in place of masking tape for some of the jugs- we will see how it works out.
do you leave the caps on the bottles
Your video was so informative. You have a new subscriber.
She’s brilliant!! OH….and she’s cute too?!?! What a plus.
great video
CAn this be done for warm season crops too?
Thank you for the concise and helpful video. It has everything I need to know to start. Can’t wait to try it soon.
What a great video!!
Excellent video and information; thank you!
What can grow in a milk jug
Fabulous video!
Thank you
there is that sweet little fur baby again
I think I’ll start collecting for next year. My house is full of seedlings
they’re taking over 
When do you start this process?
Just so you know potting mix and potting soil are two different things and potting mix is the right one to use. Great video, I have been doing this for awhile. I don’t use milk so I ask for them on the but
Nothing site for my town to get them. Win for me and win for them.
Craving more planting tips for the upcoming season? Check out what (and why) 35 crops I’ll be planting this year in this year’s seed haul: Are you using milk jugs this year? I’ll meet you in the comments section!
You are fantastic. Subscribed!!
Informative and enjoying! Thanks
Hi, I tried to click on your blog post but it gave me a 404 not found error. Do you possibly have a different link? This video was soo helpful to help get us started. Were super excited to start our small balcony garden.
I’ve been saving water and milk bottles for months. I came on here for a video to refresh my memory and this is the best I have seen yet! Thank you for being concise and giving all the pertinent details! I’m subscribing now!
Outstanding! Very well done. You have a gift! Thank you for sharing,
Boom! I have my weekend project! Thanks for making this!
We started winter sowing in our breezeway this winter in milkjugs and 2 liter bottles. We have a greenhouse without the plastic cover over it. They get strong southern sun and we keep them watered. Tomato plants in one month are 4 in high. Could never get that indoors without grow lights. Much easier. Doesn’t take up kitchen space. Such a great way to get seedlings going strong to extend the growing season. Also, seeds are cheaper at Dollar General. We also keep strong plastic meat trays to use for water to drain on these. We have onions, tomatoes, peppers aren’t up yet, peas, zinnias, marigolds aren’t up yet, and watermelon. We planted peas, carrots, lettuce and beets outside in ground. Garlic is ready to pick in July usually. It was planted last fall. Can’t wait fir a great gardening season. Good luck to all!
Gorgeous and brilliant …
Great tutorial on winter sowing. I love your enthusiasm!