Damn it looks like you got a total of 13 grams out of the whole room lol
Atom izeron July 30, 2023 at 10:55 pm
Not really a fair comparison, you kept the soil clone in a small pot until day 34 and it would take a hit from potting on. It had 2 weeks to get back on track before you flipped the lights. If you do the same test against hydro you wont see much, if any, difference judging by the roots in your earlier videos, they are way too wet for aeroponic.
Damn it looks like you got a total of 13 grams out of the whole room lol
Not really a fair comparison, you kept the soil clone in a small pot until day 34 and it would take a hit from potting on. It had 2 weeks to get back on track before you flipped the lights. If you do the same test against hydro you wont see much, if any, difference judging by the roots in your earlier videos, they are way too wet for aeroponic.