South Africa Cannabis Ruling Leads to Pot-Themed Products
South Africa Cannabis Ruling Leads to Pot-Themed Products
Now that South Africa’s highest court has relaxed the nation’s laws on marijuana, local entrepreneurs are trying to cash in on the popular herb. Among the latest entries to the market: several highly popular cannabis-laced alcohol products, which deliver the unique taste, though without the signature high. Marijuana activists say this could just be the beginning and that the famous plant could do much more for the national economy. VOA’s Anita Powell reports from Johannesburg.
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South Africa is in some serious need of marijuana. They need the psychoactive components the most though. A whole lot of violent young men in the country that need something to do other than go outside and cause trouble in their communities.
Just wait last week the BLF bill got passed in parliment. The Economic potential of cannabis is huge but now the government can take your land without compensation and leave you holding your things on the street. South Africa the once rainbow nation now a fascist and racist SHITHOLE.