Stakeholders predict economic boom if Florida permits recreational weed
Stakeholders predict economic boom if Florida permits recreational weed
Florida’s marijuana industry could triple in size if voters approve recreational use next year. That’s according to one of the state’s largest medical cannabis producers, Trulieve. The company is helping bankroll the ballot initiative to legalize weed for those 21 and older. It’s already contributed nearly $40 million to the effort and gotten the signatures needed to get on the ballot. Trulieve’s CEO Kim Rivers said it could be big business for the Sunshine State. Their internal estimates suggested the $2 billion medical marijuana industry could expand to $6 billion with recreational use permitted.
Alaska: $28+ million
Arizona: $132+ million
California: $774+ million
Illinois: $466+ million
Maine: $18+ million
Massachusetts: $156+ million
Michigan: $163+ million
Nevada: $152+ million
Ohio: "will generate about $350 million in tax revenue"
Oregon: $170+ million
Washington: $517+ million
Funny fingers my neighbor can sit over there and smoke tobacco anytime she wants bus legalized marijuana in Florida and tx Texas

Irony Rvssian guy runs curaleaf.. cons* dealers want the $. Hook u on synthetics. judges bribed by big opiods n booz tobacco..
Uphill battle!
That lady has spent a lot of money having her face stretched .
"@hideoussails1783" is a propaganda troll bot. Pay it no attention.
Recreational is medical
got to love the length of this video
Is going to happen maybe not this year or next but with a blink on an eye is legalize,time flys to fast just be Patience people
Even the thumbnail looks filthy
lol “it’s really potent” so is hard liquor yet i can buy it at 21. Just regulate it like alcohol
Pot smokers are five times more likely to develop an alcohol use disorder (AUD), according to Columbia University medical center.
Maybe the binge eating turns into binge drinking?
Up in smoke.
This is too funny. Medical marijuana in Florida? There are almost 1 million "medical cards". Have a hangnail, get a card. I have lived in both Michigan and Illinois and it is NO BIG DEAL. If you don’t like it, don’t use it. Actually much less dangerous than alcohol.
So all you people are pro air pollution
Let’s swap the orange groves for cannabis groves

Legalization will Free up Police time and allow them to focus on Real Crimes
That’s a funny thing you can go anywhere in Florida I got so drunk you can’t hardly drive home you can smoke tobacco from set up to sundown but you can’t take a little marijuana seed I I grow something to smoke for yourself who’s getting rich off the old people and the veterans

You people need to research Cannabis-induced psychosis before you play around with this stuff
Are these people going to pay for my dry cleaning when my clothes smell like sh t just by walking past them or being in the same room?
CBD is legal, but the reality is, it is only partially legal.
If you are caught by a cop with CBD flower, you will be wrongfully arrested and charged with possession of "illegal marijuana" and they won’t test it.
This is why Florida needs to make marijuana legal, so that CBD flower/bud users will be left alone and not wrongfully arrested.
If Florida makes it legal, CBD users can enjoy their CBD without risking going to jail anymore.
Whoever doesnt suppoet the legalization of recreational marijuana, they support the arrest of innocent people. It all ties down to that! People should not be punished and jailed for it. Its beyond messed up!
Boomers need to get over themselves and start minding their own minds.
If you want to read most of the comments, you have to click on newest . Annoying AF
Okay, this is ridiculous. Who is going to wait 6 hours to drive? And how do you know how much THC you’re smoking?
"If you plan to consume cannabis, consider the following guidelines: Wait at least 6 hours after smoking marijuana containing less than 35 mg THC before driving, biking or performing other safety-sensitive activities.
codot. gov › safety › h…
How long should I wait to drive after getting high?"
Guy has pot leaf wings .?!
I miss watching youtube without bs commercials
With how easy it is to get a medical card in Florida and how delta 9 edibles are legal, it’s ridiculous how this is even a debate. Just legalize it already.
If home grow is allowed. The economy will thrive. For every action there is a equal opposite reaction. We have seen the past. We need home grow for a daily fresh cannabis for raw consumption. A super food ,a preventive of sickness google it ! Gen :129
The dispos are already packed for medical gonna be crazy if its allowed recreational gonna have hour long wait lines
It would be illogical and immoral, limiting patients on the amount of THC they can purchase but letting any 21 year old buying as much as they want. WCC has never been a supporter of recreational.
Then, Ron DeSatan will screw that up and make Florida lose even more money, of course. Just like he did every year he has been in office.
"As of the end of 2022, states have reported a combined total of more than $15.1 billion in tax revenue from legal, adult-use cannabis sales since 2014 when sales began in Colorado and Washington. In 2022 alone, legalization states generated more than $3.77 billion in cannabis tax revenue from adult-use sales."
4:20 running time I see what ya did there

4+20 = 420 the math adds up
Let Florida people decide what is best for themselves, by making cannabis a legal option to choose from.
If you don’t like it, don’t buy it and stop being so negative and hating on people who do buy it.
I hate the smell of tobacco smoke, but I don’t think they should make tobacco illegal, just because I don’t like it. That would be selfish and entitlement. Don’t be that guy.
Teenage use declined in every legal state. Always gaslighting about "the poor children"
You should have showed where the judge called out Attorney General Ashley Moody’s lawyer for blatantly lying to the judge.
exact quoted sentence in the Ballot: "Applies to FLORIDA law; DOES NOT CHANGE, OR IMMUNIZE violations of, FEDERAL LAW."
Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody’s lawyer says: "misleading, it doesn’t say it would still be FEDERALLY PROHIBITED regardless of whether FLORIDA enacts legalization."
The only thing difficult to understand, is how a lawyer can lie to a judge and get away with it.
Cannabis is a safer alternative to alcohol and tobacco.
People against legalizing cannabis are boomers or brainwashed by boomers.
There is no legitimate reason for cannabis to be illegal.
All people can do is recite propaganda, make up false statistical claims, fear mongering or just complain about how they don’t like it.
I don’t like a lot of things, but that doesn’t mean everything I don’t like needs to be illegal, that is a low IQ way of thinking and it is disgusting.
The problem isn’t that anti-cannabis people are uneducated.
The problem is that they are educated just enough to believe the propaganda they’ve been spoon-fed by politicians and not educated enough to question what they have been told.
Correct a wise man and he will appreciate you.
Correct an anti-cannabis person and they will remain ignorant by digging their heels in and blocking all possible chance of learning something new.
It’s sad and it’s pathetic.
Legalize cannabis.
Don’t let ignorant fools continue to hate on people who use cannabis, nobody needs their worthless approval.
Not in blood red FloriDUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH. DeSatan and the RepubliKKKans control everything.
It just keeps getting more and more ridiculous…. "Wait at least 8 hours after eating or drinking marijuana containing less than 18 mg THC before driving, biking or performing other safety-sensitive activities. If you’ve consumed more than 18 mg, wait longer — and, if you have consumed alcohol as well, it’s crucial to wait even longer. › safety › h…
How long should I wait to drive after getting high?"
I bet you scientist in the future will figure out a way to get rid of the smell from the specific cannabinoid that produces it
Let’s get it legal
Pot smokers are Five Times More likely to develop an Alcohol use Problem.
I’m voting against it, tired now of tripping over stoned out kids on the steps where I live. Medical yes– recreational no!!
You pot smokers love foul air, build your HOAs next to Sewage treatment plants and contain your skunk smoking there. You’ll be living in paradise
Plus I smoke everyday until I go to sleep and it’s great going to sleep