Suppressing a cure for more than 40 years! BURZYNSKI: THE CANCER CURE COVER-UP – FULL DOCUMENTARY
Suppressing a cure for more than 40 years! BURZYNSKI: THE CANCER CURE COVER-UP – FULL DOCUMENTARY
Burzynski: The Cancer Cure Cover-up is the story of a pioneering biochemist who discovered a unique and proprietary method of successfully treating most cancers.
Director: Eric Merola
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This documentary takes the audience on a near 50-year journey both Dr. Burzynski and his patients have been enduring in order to obtain FDA-approved clinical trials of Antineoplastons. Defying the face of skepticism, legal attacks from state and federal agencies, and a powerful propaganda campaign to stop Burzynski – this doctor and his patients are still going strong.
This film is under a non-exclusive license from Sideways Films
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BTW, David Kessler was former fda commissioner and Biden taped him to be the COVID19 administrator; wake up AMERICA.
The Cancer Treatments that they give today are chemo and radiation they kill good cells and bad cells there is no cure for cancer besides what he is doing. I don’t care who likes what I say and who doesn’t like what I say it’s my opinion that this man is using ethical practices in his business I’ve lost my wife to this and I have cancer myself after undergoing chemo and radiation at the same time and it still came back.
Prayers for Burzynski! Dr Richard Crout from FDA in the 70’s evil person and he created a stream of other evil people that followed him. They will all stand in front of Jesus Christ one day to answer for all of this suffering they have caused.
Wow he is a real hero god bless you Dr.Burzynski please keep fighting so everybody can hear you voice we are going to pray for you and you family.
Heres your proof about CoV
By the time we found this doctor the cancer in my grandson at two and a half years old had already spread was a little too late but I’ve heard great things of this man
I can boldly say that dr ose ahume is one in a million his medications cured me same way he said
It, let me tell you all this man herbal medications dried and healed my cancer without any side effects
This video reminds me of two quotes:
"It is difficult to get a bureaucrat to understand something when their salary depends on them NOT understanding it."
"Society and news outlets have become less concerned with the truth or moral strength of an idea, and more concerned with its market value."
The medical and pharmaceutical industries play god. One scratches the others back.
If you think they are so trustworthy and ethical, look at the ongoing issues with reported Covid19 cases pertaining to deaths. Only now they are researching that 30% of deaths reported from Covid19 are truthful. 70% are fraudulent to receive the 15,000 to 25,000 dollars per death from federal government. Americans knew this but social media and Big media suppressed and called misinformation. Imagine that.
I will tell you now, the American Cancer Society nor FDA want a cure for cancer. When a cure is found the ACS is bound by its bylaws to be disbanded. Hmmm
When a cure is found, big pharma will lose big money on all research to treat the symptoms.
Blame Rockefeller, he lost a close family member to illness , blamed the doctor and created pharma.
Why is he charging so much?? That’s just as criminal in my eyes. Not many ‘regular’ people could afford this price for treatment. I just asked my husband what he’d do if we had a deadly cancer and he clearly stated that if we had exhausted all other options then yes, we would liquidate all our assets to seek him out. But we’d be left homeless and desperately in debt, but alive…
This is only available to people with money or preying on the truly desperate families.
Population Control.
Cancer is m4de in Rothschild FDA labs
It cant be governed by the FDA because its Organic. God said. The cures for your ailment is organic
I was suffering from similar issues in the past but I’m glad it has been fixed by dr oiwoh
I knew this or suspected that there’s cure long time ago that’s why I won’t give a dime to so called cancer research or cancer awareness and other bs ,,,,
How did they stay so strong! Or not be killed!
We’ve seen similar, actions during the Scamdemic!
Hope a lot of new medics follow and learn his ways . We need people like him
Please never give up and be strong we need people like you who cares for another person no matter any race god bless you we are so proud of you.

Come on guys….
Look at Raymond Rife! 4 Doctors arrested in California! The books and machine were taken! His machine is in a German museum ! He realized everything has a frequency! He coded diseases and found their frequency! He made a machine that he could actually see cell movements! With a laser pointed at cancer, was able to destroy it! FDA had him arrested! Only the elite get tech that truly heals! We so need a complete change! To the top down!
Watch BURZYNSKI CANCER IS A SERIOUS BUSINESS PART II the follow up to this documentary
Dr Oiwoh cured me miraculously with his absolute herbal medication
I’m forever grateful doc
Want to hear something even worse? My father got esophogas cancer in 2008. Did the chemo and radiation and when walking across the room at the doctors office, the doctor mentioned he had "drop foot". This was neurological damage caused by the radiation. In Canada, once you get drop foot, then radiation (and chemo) is cancelled. 2010, my father died. How many others have suffered, died or had loved ones die because of big pharma?

A friend of mine, was diagnosed with prostate cancer. His girlfriend steered him away from "conventional" radiation and chemo, and got him to try apricot kernels. He cured his own cancer, and has been cancer free for a decade.
I was suffering from similar issues in the past but I’m glad it has been fixed by dr oiwoh
My wife died of GBM 4 I wished I had known of this man
No one should disbelieve this , because Goverments have been in bed With Big Business for Centuries.
They are commiting murder every day of the week by preventing cures for Cancer because it will damage the Profits of these ARSEHOLE’S who own and are connected to the FDA.
I bet the elite get it!
isn’t taking all the patient’s records a HIPAA violation
Dr Oiwoh cured me miraculously with his absolute herbal medication
I’m forever grateful doc
It’s more profitable to treat a cancer patient than it is to cure them. This is why they hide the discovery of the cancer cure.
So, is he still practicing his treatments or was he forced to concede things?
I’ll say it one time but most people already know it big Pharma will lose a lot of money with this treatment and they don’t like that it threatens their business completely. I knew there was a cancer treatment after that besides radiation and chemo but I couldn’t find it when my wife was going through it or when I was going through it which I am still today but I don’t want more chemo or radiation more surgeries thank you for reading my comment
The FDA and affiliates wanted it for themselves. They wanted to control it so they would get rich off of it… and when they couldn’t, they made it sound sketchy so no one would try it…

truly evil men, wonder who they’d ask for if they hot cancer….
F YT!!!!!
Covid and all the social media companies banding together to force covid vaccine fear lies and silence onto the general public for the first time made it rather obvious to me that the govt disseminates false information and suppresses other information that doesn’t suit them well.
I guess everybody knows the keto diet I have a new one that’s called a chemo diet you will lose half your body weight that’s not my opinion that’s the truth my wife was 80 lb when she passed and it still didn’t get rid of the cancer after 7 years of fighting
All of the "FDA" robots that have perpetuated this "witch hunt" deserve misery and heavy doxxing. As a clear reflection of their own selfish and jealous behavior they deserve the same harassment but on behalf of those who have died due to their blatant stupidity. Why has nobody from the FDA been charged or forced to step down? Failure to uphold oath. Delay of critical patient care. Negligence. Incompetence. Possibly even treason. Conspiracy? Conflicting interests? Quid pro quo? All of their arguments opposing this treatment have been fucking stupid! The doxxing and charging needs to happen.
I was suffering from similar issues in the past but I’m glad it has been fixed by dr oiwoh
FDA takes out patents based on Dr. B’s research and results. Says it all . . . .doesn’t it?
The same money that created petroleum-based medications that cause cancer also created the cancer society and started treating cancer. Everything is designed to kill people. 50,000 medications and just 500 cure illness and they are antibiotics mostly. That means 49,500 medications that cure NOTHING. All petroleum-based too. They are intentionally killing you and making a killing while doing it. They create customers, not cures. This man is prescribing something that occurs naturally in the body and works. Government can’t have that though.
big paharma profits are all that mattered……… of the stunning examples of Pharma’s profit first attitude is the long running problems of crystal meth amphetamines. reforms to cut the supply of ephedrine and pseudo ephedrine used in cold and flu medications that fueled the crystal meth drug problems were obstinately resisted by big pharma who would lose profits.
and the law enforcement doing the raid on this DRs clinic are just doing their job
. Thats when you know who is a good human being or not
Must be used as part of a clinical trial… why…. to kill any effective treatments that do not profit those in power