Telling the Difference: Marijuana, Hemp and CBD
Telling the Difference: Marijuana, Hemp and CBD
Marijuana. Hemp. CBD. All three make headlines all the time. But do you know the difference? We break it down.
Telling the Difference: Marijuana, Hemp and CBD
Marijuana. Hemp. CBD. All three make headlines all the time. But do you know the difference? We break it down.
No I’m not a member of a religion I’ve only been a visitor to a few buildings where Christianity religion and the Islamic religion was having religious services ! And it was required by my immediate family to be in attendance when I was under the juvenile age of 18 years old !
keep them coming!
THC is the best,
After many failed experiments with some other brands, I finally found this brand. Weedborn products are the best and I don’t think I would ever need to look for another CBD supplier. I highly recommend for practically any health problem.
Tobacco co.,& cotton textiles co. big pharma co.all forbidden the god given plants
You got literally everything you said wrong lol.
Hemp when was among the social conversational topic inside incarceration the word is and was shown to me in the Bible the word “Hemp” in my in under 21 years of age I just turned the age 46 years old 12-10-1977 is my time of birth !
We need to legalize marijuana in Tennessee it’ll help a lot of the pill addicts and the government can make more tax money by taxing it then by Prosecuting people for having it plus it helps so many people thank you smoke’em if you got em one nation,,,hair nation
Not a drug. You don’t know paint.
How dumb does a country have to be to say "This stuff won’t make you high, but it will help you get healthy, therefore it is a drug and we can’t allow you to grow it."
In county of Duval the city of Jacksonville the state of Florida the nation of United States of America the continent of America !
I did it with Weedborn CBD products!
Cool to see that Weedborn has new products.
Notice every state that does not allow medicine from a plant are red states. Republicans hate freedom.
It’s great to see this… I have healed myself as well. Weedborn oils have helped me a lot.
Your legal state map is wrong. A lot of people that was once on heavy pain killers like oxycontin; was loving a much better life using medicinal marijuana as a substitute. So much of the fake cannabis flower from hemp now looks and smells exactly like the real thing and has even completely messed up the black market in Tennessee. Now millions to billions of dollars leave the state of Tennessee and into Southern Illinois, Michigan and soon hopefully Virginia. The lack of real bud in Tennessee has caused people to relapse to harder more dangerous substances. These days fentanyl is finding its way into everything too. Tennessee would save and make billions per year if we legalize it full rec and a lo of people would have a safe and effective options rather then the only option for pain relief being far more dangerous then Marijuana. If Tennessee does not then Illinois will take middle Tennessee money and in 2024 Virginia will take east Tennesee money. Tennessee could take the entire Atlanta market with one legislation and bring it to Chattanooga.
ok great. next up… whats pot?