Tempe company offering outdoor marijuana grow kits
Tempe company offering outdoor marijuana grow kits
A Tempe company has created easy outdoor marijuana grow kits.
Tempe company offering outdoor marijuana grow kits
A Tempe company has created easy outdoor marijuana grow kits.
looks like something I made from pallets
I’m sure cannabis growers like to overcomplicate things… Most issues are due to overfeeding. If you don’t know how to feed a plant it’s probably better to go organic. Plants tend to keep themselves in balance once they get used to the soil/compost they’re in feeding can confuse plants with feast and famine(roots stop exploring because they think they have what they need, the fertilizer is used up and the plant doesn’t have a good root network for the famine after the feed). Cannabis plants are very easy to grow… If you’re growing outside in a greenhouse I’d just cover the soil with compost and let the roots explore and find what they need.
Farmers use fertilizers because they’ve destroyed their soil biology… Basically most farmers today are using their soil as a hydroponic medium because the soil structure has been destroyed by years of tilling. Most garden soil is strong and healthy and bursting with organic material assuming you haven’t sprayed weed killer everywhere. Weed killer contamination is a huge problem at the moment.
Growing weed outside… In Phx…. So how are you going to get enough light and keep temps in the mid to low 80s marijuana requires?
So basically he just wants you to pay him money to grow your plants lol
I could grow that amount in Solo cups. What a shit grow.
Also, don’t pay people to grow a plant that you can grow better yourself.
wow what a superiorly idiotic set of restrictions and permissions
Plants look terrible
Those are some lil ass plants
Where they get these punk a** plants
Damn Jamie!!! ( ) ( )
Those plants are nutrient deficient. Don’t let anyone do your plants, it’s just like growing anything else. Go organic.
Come on bro, you had one shot and you blew it. Why did you set up the greenhouse right next to the beautiful Big Bushy trees that give endless amounts of shade. In this situation where it is legal to grow, why would you purchase or need a greenhouse when you have a big backyard. Before your interview you should have trimmed all those yellow leaves. And please tell why those baby plants are in 15 gallon pots????? I have plants in two gallon pots that are just as big, if not bigger. And the biggest problem of all is the price!!!!! Not everybody shits or grows money on trees. Big inspiration my man. If you could make it on the television, I can make it a reality. And on another note, Yes anyone can grow WEED, but very few can actually grows BUDS. It’s not rocket science unless you make it hard. You guys are a big inspiration. Good luck……
Hell for 2k you’d have a prime indoor set up….
Please don’t pay anyone to grow your own cannabis. It’s legitimately the easiest plant to grow.
The price and plants dont match ahah just grow your own people Haha
Why is it important for others not to see it?
You’re an idiot if you buy this lol. Buy a grow tent and grow indoors
Those pots are way to big
It’s a cool idea BUT from the look of his plants i wouldn’t trust him to grow the dirt in my back field. There’s so much about having a grow in your backyard people never fathom, 1-security, 2-ODOR, 3-pests… man, I’d rattle his nerves for sure!
🇺🇸America ppl 😆shit I finna grow that shit and ima do a good job 👏 🇺🇸
God forbid someone should see a plant? Good grief.
Marijuana is called "weed" for a reason, it is because it grows like a weed. Don’t let anyone fool you into thinking it is harder to grow than it really is.
Sad little plants. Nitrogen toxic. Those walls eliminate alot of the sun. Your better of growing out in the sun no structures.
Heaven forbid people buy marijuana from a non-licensed distributor or simply grow it at their house I’m sure the government would love to put guns in your face for having a plant that you didn’t pay a fee to be permitted to cultivate
Lmao. P" t heads growing their skunk smelling smoke.
Yes,agree with comments,,,,,,,but you need to grow in a secure,locking structure for sure,( laws)???…in this vid,,owner needs to build shelves so too of plant is just under roof line.!…😯😯…plus,run fans!!!!!!!..live and learn hard school….( GNR).!!!!!)………..still,,nice buds.😐😐……growmie.
Can I sell clones in Arizona
Shit my greenhouse smokes this bs hit me up
Powdery mildew will be everywhere. No air moving through. Paying someone else to touch my plants is insane. Easiest plant ever to grow
A company made a greenhouse for growing weed. Wow. How revolutionary. Lol good luck.. il stick to my 2×2 tent and use my LEDs bro.
Homegirl just said “6 plants per person or 12 plants per 2 people” 😂💀
bruh smallest out doorplants .
You’re better off doing it indoors by yourself keep your money…..
Why would you want to shade your plants?? Mental.
I laugh so hard seeing this!! Coming from a professional i can say that this set up is very poor quality and whatever plants seen in this video are grown in a way that just shows the lack of knowledge in growing methods. Don’t waste your money on this..
cute little Arizona’s "family" news Advocating Arizona’s families embrace Intoxication Buy marijuana. The Implication that we’re all better off when we’re intoxicated is Dangerous.
You only feed your plants molasses no chemicals & epsom salt 🧂
yeah guys got a cash grab for ya!
3 grand??? I know what im getting into
I rather buy the material at home Depot and build it my self
Fuck no!
They always find a fucking idiot to talk to when it comes to the news…
Somebody please make this dude disappear…