Texas' medical cannabis access could expand this year

Texas' medical cannabis access could expand this year

A bill to expand access to medical cannabis in Texas advanced out of committee with unanimous, bipartisan support. KXAN’s Ryan Chandler takes us inside one of Texas’ only medical cannabis distribution facilities to learn how these changes could help.


  1. Punky Pinko on May 10, 2023 at 8:52 am

    End government overreach and support citizens’ rights. Freedom includes what you do with and put in your body. And cannabis is not harmful but helpful — end ignorance an support health.

  2. Spooky Fears on May 10, 2023 at 8:53 am

    Texas needs Recreational, Texas missing out billions of dollars

  3. Music By CARLOS! on May 10, 2023 at 8:55 am

    should be recreational . most of america is. fucking texas is backwards

  4. Joe Smartballs on May 10, 2023 at 9:09 am

    I seen a article saying they are expanding 1% THC limit to 10mg. Well in Colorado 100mg is 10% THC and 500mg candy bars are 50% THC, so 10gm is 1% THC. I worked in a medical marijuana store. Texans are so dumb. 1000mg is 100% THC. We got $18 500mg candybars, and 500mg $50 vape carts in Colorado medical stores. The purpose of a medical marijuana card from a state is to be allowed to grow your own legally. Poor people can’t afford to purchase from a store all of the time when medicare don’t cover it. The stores are there to sell concentrates, edibles, patches, oils, for people who make them, or for those that run out. TX Agg Commissioner and Abbott are idiots making no money. They think they can monopolize legal hemp under 3% THC in Texas. See the state of Texas can’t tax hemp crops, no more than corn. So this is their game. So stupid, not legalizing recreational marijuana when Mexico, and every state around us has it. I think Abbott is keeping the black market open for his friends in Mexico he can pardon if they’re caught. Texas govenor can pardon any drug dealers from Mexico and send them right back. So he’s helping drug cartels by keeping it illegal in Texas. In Colorado drug dealers can’t sell weed, because the stores weed is better. The amatures can’t grow strong weed. The professionals are in business legally.

  5. Joe Smartballs on May 10, 2023 at 9:17 am

    Funny this wasn’t done when Abbott was reelected.