The Best Light Setup for Growing Cannabis: Beginners guide!

The Best Light Setup for Growing Cannabis: Beginners guide!

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What’s The Best light Set-up for Indoor Growing. Stray tuned!

Last year we released a video titled “best lights for growing cannabis” which turned out to be extremely popular, so we thought we’d expand a little bit on the topic.

One of the major problems with growing cannabis indoors instead of outside is lighting.
The sun is remarkably powerful, even if it doesn’t (yet) become so hot we all shrivel up and die.

The trouble is, you need a lot of lighting indoors to recreate the levels of energy that a cannabis plant can absorb from sunlight.

So, what are the options. Currently, there are four main types, and the one you opt for will depend very much on the nature of your set-up. Are you just growing a few plants for yourself, or are you growing it commercially – strictly for resale to the pharmaceutical market, of course!

In 2021, the most common lighting set-up for DIY self-consumption growers is an LED one. Advancements in the technology mean they are now extremely affordable, highly efficient, and they consume far less energy than other options. There’s not much point in growing cannabis that costs you more than the stuff you can buy on the streets!

As we’re going to concentrate on set-ups for grow rooms, it’s impossible to ignore HID lights – short for high-intensity discharge.

These are still extremely popular with those who believe that lumens is all that matters, but there are other options. LED fans believe PAR, or photosynthetically active radiation (try saying that after a couple of tokes!) is the Holy Grail of lighting.

Metal halide lights are great for the growing cycle as the blue spectrum is ideal for leafy growth, then changing to HPS lights when you want the warmer, red spectrum to encourage flowers to grow.
CMH, or ceramic metal halide is catching people’s eye, literally as it is seriously bright, but the 315W CMH lamp doesn’t come anywhere near being as effective as a 600W HPS or high-pressure sodium lamp.

The other most popular light is a CFL or compact fluorescent light. A 250W CFL light is in theory comparable to a 600W Metal halide or metal hydride light, although from our experience this type of light is only really any good for seedlings!

However, there are a couple of things that also need to be taken into consideration when deciding on your perfect lighting set-up.

First, are we talking about lights for seedlings and micro growing. If so, then best to stick with CFL and other fluorescent lights or low wattage LED’S

Second, you have to work out how much light your grow room needs.

If you are using feminized plants, then LED lighting works well because it doesn’t waste energy.
LED lights consume less power, and 120 watts will do one plant, 280 watts will do four plants, and 350 watts can do upto eight plants.

For autoflowering strains HID lights aid faster growth through their greater power, although again, many would argue they can achieve similar results using LED Lighting.

As a rule of thumb, for HPS lights, you need 250 watt light for two plants, 400 watts for four plats, 600 watts for six plants, and 1,000 watts for upto eight plants.

Finally, when considering all the factors you’ll want to remember that the more wattage you use, you’ll achieve the greatest amount of lumens, however, as a byproduct you will also be generating a lot of heat, and powering these lights will require a lot of electricity.

This extra heat may be beneficial when working in colder climates to keep your growing environment warm, whereas LED lights (which inherently generate less heat) may be ideal when you want to keep the temperatures down operating in hotter climates!

Hopefully that’s shed some light on the subject for you, but if you have any ideas of your own or have any topics you’d like us to cover in the future, by all means leave your ideas in the comments section below, and of course if you enjoyed this video make sure to like and subscribe, so you too can become a cannabis expert!


  1. Skinny_sl on June 4, 2022 at 9:57 am


  2. TheDowers206 on June 4, 2022 at 9:59 am

    HPS all the way

  3. Dreke Hayes on June 4, 2022 at 10:00 am

    Do Amsterdam top strains and the best places to find the best

  4. Ori Rapa Nui on June 4, 2022 at 10:00 am

    Thanks a lot! You cleared a ton of doubts I had!

  5. Mạnh Trường on June 4, 2022 at 10:02 am

    I don’t have much money. How much money do you need to invest to plant 4 trees?

  6. Rocco Imblano on June 4, 2022 at 10:07 am

    Thank you after my first getto grow i have now money for good led

  7. Aaron Croyle on June 4, 2022 at 10:07 am

    how far away should i keep a cfl from my seedlings? and thanks

  8. Frankie G on June 4, 2022 at 10:08 am

    Please do a video that goes more into depth into the LED lights for a home grow setup. It’d be nice to learn about the categories such as: quantum boards, spider led, Cobs, autocobs, and traditional panels.

    Maybe a few suggestions for products would be nice.

  9. Cpt. Honkler of 3rd Kekistani army on June 4, 2022 at 10:09 am

    Lmao a history channel is teaching me how to grow weed

  10. Mitchell Wilder on June 4, 2022 at 10:09 am

    So i set up a light to try n get more light to lower branches left it on for 6 hrs. My plant died within w4 hours it was 3 feet tall an it was about a third of the way into flowering stage. The light was pointing up at underside of leaves. Ooops!

  11. TheRealM00 The Original on June 4, 2022 at 10:10 am


  12. on June 4, 2022 at 10:10 am

    So LED light is the best choice

  13. Oscar Perez Growing weed the hood way! on June 4, 2022 at 10:11 am

    Very helpful

  14. History HQ on June 4, 2022 at 10:13 am

    Epic! 😀

  15. bunker931 on June 4, 2022 at 10:14 am

    Watt per plant is not an accurate measurement because the size of the plant can vary greatly. The correct unit should be watt per canopy surface.

  16. KappA SlappeR on June 4, 2022 at 10:16 am

    Why ex this light does this many plants ? isnt it this light does this much space . for example 600 w is good for 1.2M x 1.2M

  17. ME on June 4, 2022 at 10:23 am



  18. Reza Bakhshipoor on June 4, 2022 at 10:24 am

    Hello my friend, I hope you will accompany me as a friend who needs help. I am writing with a program because English is not very good. I hope you have given me bad advice and counsel about the plant growth lamp. Of course, I know the efficiency is somewhat windy. I know that the full spectrum plant growth lamp or purple cover has all the color spectrum that the plant needs, but I want you to help me prepare a plant growth panel for marijuana. Three hundred and fifty is good for me. I wanted you to help me decide what kind of LED to get, which is suitable, and the type of color combination that will be installed on the panel. How to place it and the number of colors it needs. And I want to make the cooling device and the panel and everything I need by hand because I do not have access and it is a crime in my country. I hope you can help me. Thank you very much for providing a growth panel for marijuana. It has a suitable and excellent use for the plant so that I can be suitable for the period that I am by the plant. I can get a little more or less the necessary color for the plant, I am really thankful and I will never forget your kindness.،♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

  19. 420ColorfulTaste on June 4, 2022 at 10:26 am

    As far as the plants per Watts is kind of f****** stupid because so many factors fall into play like the size of the plants

  20. Gee The Marvel on June 4, 2022 at 10:26 am

    Does anybody know where i can get some legit seeds to start

  21. ElevatedGrub Gardens on June 4, 2022 at 10:33 am

    Using a 300 watt led on one 42 Fast Buds Original Cheese Auto

  22. Hoodpatrol Strains on June 4, 2022 at 10:33 am

    I have the best lights for indoor growing

  23. mike rotch on June 4, 2022 at 10:35 am

    I used soil from a dead tree and now they are growing like weeds!

  24. BMWO Canada on June 4, 2022 at 10:35 am

    Keeping your plants good-looking indoors is a bit of work. But, seeing them bloom into something beautiful will make your heart melt. Lights are always the key! Plus, TLC. Haha

  25. Nikolai Harkov on June 4, 2022 at 10:36 am

    keepin ur cannabis indoor is good cuz if you plant ur cannabis outside u will caught by police

  26. Tony on June 4, 2022 at 10:37 am

    Hi, I hope you can help. I’m planning a micro grow 1 plant. Is an LED that states 150w from the LEDS with 45w or 65w power consumption a good choice?

  27. Robert Haenen on June 4, 2022 at 10:37 am

    Can you use 300 watt floodlight to grow cannabis???

  28. William Burroughs on June 4, 2022 at 10:40 am

    So, a C.M.H, L.E.D, C.F.L, or H.P.S, for P.A.R. Got it!

  29. 30Grams Strong on June 4, 2022 at 10:41 am

    Trying to figure out the best led diodes on the market , what should we pay attention to ?

  30. Frankie G on June 4, 2022 at 10:42 am

    So will just any old LED light work or do you need a specific kind?

  31. ben there on June 4, 2022 at 10:47 am

    He said hps is better than cmh . wth. No thanks

  32. James Ekwealor on June 4, 2022 at 10:48 am


  33. Alex Mitchell on June 4, 2022 at 10:52 am

    Yes this video did shed some..light on the subject 😂

  34. THATSMYNAME on June 4, 2022 at 10:54 am

    Of course😂😂😂

  35. Scooby Snaxx on June 4, 2022 at 10:56 am

    This is funny 😄 its still illegal 🚫 🤣 😔 even for 1 small plant ! all people want is their own medicine ! it might stink tho proabition smells alot worse !

  36. Mista Man on June 4, 2022 at 10:57 am

    You do realize a rule of thumb comes from the law a branch can only be as thick as my thumb to beat my wife with ..
    Right . 🙋‍♂️