The easy way to germinate Cannas seeds with BOILING water
The easy way to germinate Cannas seeds with BOILING water
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How to germinate Canna seeds the easy way. No files, no nail clippers, just boiling water.
Hope this video helps you get maximum germination from your Canna seeds in a quick and easy manner.
Im just wondering Why did you have the jar on the floor and not on the counter or stove?
Best tip ever
Nice tips in this video Kris, thank you
I was told cannas do not bloom the same year when grown from seed. Is this true?
Thanks Kris
Lovely garden.
Why dont u do a mini Eden project Kris, your whole back garden into a greenhouse, get folk to support u through patreon, just an idea.
FIRST: I LOVE YOU ACCENT! . Second: I tried your method and it worked! I from 20 seeds I got 14 and they are around 6 inches tall in 1 month.
From seeds in boiling water to plants. In between??
Hi good idea! Why do you have to keep changing the water 3 times a day?
I tried this method and it works, thank you
nice video. what were the purple flowered plants in the backgound at 4:10?
Thank you. This worked.
Kris, Thanks for the tip it took be ages to file the shells. when would you sow your seed.
Once germinated, do cannas need to be on a heat mat or will they grow fine in a sunny conservatory in spring?
Gonna try it today
Thank you
South Carolina
I don’t get it after u said couple of day … u don’t mind pls write what u said
How old are the seeds? Can you use new seeds which are soft?
Thanks mate I’ve done the boiling water method and placed the warm water in the propagator and during the day take the lid of hopefully it will work just harvested my canna seeds
In zone 7 Arkansas, Can I start seeds using this method in fall right after harvest in a green house or should I wait till spring? Growing Musifolia.
Hi Kris would have like u to have shown how the seeds were after u had covered them in the warm water.
Cannes are my favourite plant. I grow them in tubs & overwinter them just with wood mulch on the top. I do the same with my ginger lillies but these are now planted in the garden. They have really taken off & doing so we. Thanks for the videos watching them closely
Another interesting video, thanks! Towards the end you say “with the right species”, please could you recommend which? Cheers!
hi kris i have done all you showed in video how deep do i bury the seeds and i will have them in heated propagator thank kay
Can you recommend a place where i could buy some guaranteed virus free seed, cheers.
very helpfull
Hi Kris, this worked treat for me. 75% rate so far. Planting..dies the sprout go straight down or to the side? Thks. I’m going to use a regular potting soil with some perlite, on a heat mat. Should be ok? Thks
brilliant! I did this last year and it worked like a charm! Trying to nick or sand the seed is very difficult and time consuming…Thanks for the tip!
I’ve a set of seeds sitting on a window sill in the house and a second set in the garage under light (it’s warmer in garage). It’s been a week and there’s no sign of germination. The outermost layer of the seed is starting to fall apart but that’s it. Any suggestions what’s going wrong? Am I just impatient? All were scarified and it’s July in TX.
When they begin to root what end gets pointed up or how do you out them in soil. You never covered that.
Tried your method and it works wonderfully. I reviewed others where they talk about filing the seeds and knew I wouldn’t do it. I searched for other methods and found yours and thought “ that I can do”. I have 30 seeds coming up in plastic cups. Hoping to gifts friends with some as I payed $8 USD a piece for mine.