The one piece missing before Ohio recreational marijuana sales can begin
The one piece missing before Ohio recreational marijuana sales can begin
The Ohio Division of Cannabis Control shared an update Friday on how far along the state’s dispensaries are in getting approval to sell recreational marijuana.
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By now no one cares about the government’s weak gimped pot.
They’ve been buying from the dealers and or growing it.
They’re still dragging their feet….What exactly are they afraid of?
Vote these public servants out they are going against the peoples vote
Our government is so inefficient, they could not exist in the private market.
yea Ohio politicians are such whiny babies. They are more excited to get a rapid saliva roadside test for weed than they are to just start the legal market. That’s the thing I hope you all see Dewine and his corruption. Those guys husted Dewine they are pretty much reps for first energy. So people in Ohio should see left right or wherever you are politically.. don’t matter we’re all finding out how corrupt they all are. Hence why no Democrats in Ohio really actually helped issue 2. Sherrod brown voted for it reluctantly. It’s like why bro I thought Democrats are about social justice. pfff. All these guys are weak. WEAK!!
I got zips 115 a pop hmu
Seems like certain parties are prolonging this as long as they can. Nothing that is explained really entails why they’re dragging their feet….. And what the hell is Mike dewine talking about 5-year-old smelling marijuana smoke walking down the street. What a stupid comment and this is why I don’t like conservatives and religious people. They are clueless to the world around them
This is ridiculous
This is total bs we voted a year ago !
They have to take a break from exploiting us to actually serve the will of the people. Billionaires vs the people. If only the American people had enough money to actually take the government back.
The Republicans don’t want stoners in their neighborhoods any sooner than necessary.
are medical marijuana establishments getting-rid-of/fire-sailing their inventories, to after-market-cannabis-street-dealers and refusing to install certain components/requirements of the cannabis-business-certification-process, just to sabotage the cannabis-business-certification-process and cannabis-legalization-process?