trellis netting or bamboo? what to do? how to grow big cannabis flowers.
trellis netting or bamboo? what to do? how to grow big cannabis flowers.
holding up cannabis flowers is every serious growers problem. trellis netting is not ideal and bamboo is terrible. get a look at the unique and reusable support system I designed for rolling tables.
i found you on growing exposed, thanks for sharing your knowledge with us.
Bamboo is so much easier … trellising sucks
I tried to trellis a couple times in my 4 8×4 tables apparently my adhd is triggered
by the process I gave up and went back to staking maybe one day I’ll give her another go thanks again for all the knowledge you’re awesome
Excellent, Just ask for a more Detailed explanation or View possibly…. the Bouquet tip has been vary useful…
Never stop learning
Cool beans brother..
Bamboo on pvc frame attached with rubber bands works well. Infinite adjustability. Very convenient! Especially at harvest.

Iwent away from bamboo to yo yos hanging from all angles and directions. My setup they really worked well but again like other supports have to be careful u don’t get in them snd hit them. Or plant injury can happen
just commenting for the algorithm
New sub for sure! Thanks for sharing the knowledge brother!
happy growing, stay blessed!
Hey now thats a concept … Inspiring. Thank you
Great content, and beautiful garden brother!!
I use a lot of bamboo in my garden. I’ve had a few close calls with stabbing myself in the face!

I’ve torn a plant to shreds just determined to whole plant hang dry & had to pull it out of the net. Shredded! I should have cut it up.
Cheers Sage! Thanks for doing some updates!! They are gold to us!!
My plants have been strong so far. I only use the netting to even out the canopy. Two nets. First one to spread it out and after it stretches for a week or two I put another trellis to even out the stretchers as best I can then let it grow. They are well supported too as a bonus. I have expensive stretchy netting so I wont be throwing it away. It will be harder to cut the plant out.
lovin it, and lovin you bro, thanks so much for all your knowledge and videos, much appreciated
the more videos you post the better, and i speak on behalf of all your viewers i feel and future viewers
1:00 also you can’t move the plants that are tied in the trellis net for inspection, defoliating etc. With bamboo sticks you have more option overall. I go with bamboo sticks and whenever needed I use also ropes with them…
It’s nice and important for me to be able to handle the plants individually. There might be hermied plants which are almost impossible to notice when used trellies. Also the bamboo stakes are environmentally good choice.