Today we visit the UK’s FIRST LEGAL DISPENSARY! I’m so glad they let me come by! We’re at a crucial turning point right now in the UK with legalisation motives swooping in. CHECK OUT THE SHOP HERE ::
Discount code Drewissharing for 20% off
My mans chatting some…isn’t terpines to do with the flavour and taste :/
I have heard very good reviews about Weedborn CBD products.
So it’s cbd not thc got. Me all excited for a second I have a dream where we all can get weed from shops it’s beautiful
American dispensary you ask for top shelf …I assume uk cbd dispensary you ask for under the counter..haha
Your from Portsmouth???
I cant access their website. Anyone else have that problem?
Where is this CBD shop ???
i gave up smoking strong skunk 10 years ago but have been smoking just rollup since but am seriously considering getting some really low thc weed as i have tried it once but the shop doesn’t sell it anymore as they are more based on vaping but am trying to find some in the uk.
It has everything but the potent tickle of the neck when you take a hit and any sort of buzz waste of money if you ask me
Yo where’s this shop the link doesn’t work ???
Any in Manchester? Oh it’s CBD bud
Hello, anybody interested i can mail him weed if interested but depend of which countrie you are from as there is countries where i do not shipp and the type of weed that i have in stock usually change depending of each periods, and all parcels that i sort out are double vaccum sealled then wrapped in black carbon paper for the x scan then there is some few others steps that i wont talk about directly on here, if somebody got any questions then ask me on here then from that i will give you my contact so we can discuss in private
The above name
helped in getting the best strains… thanks to those who recommended them..
I’m hurt deeply
I love living in California
What’s the point smoking it then
This video is like going in USA corner gas station that sells boof delta 8 carts and calling it a dispensery. Why show nugs that have no thc lol. Pointless video. Even if Uk was behind.
Mate what are you doing buying that shit pointless cbd SHIT
Where is it?
Anyone from coventry or birmingham area? Contact please insragram mykytadolotov
What %CBT ? Please
Do you still get stoned ?
These guys look more like vapers than stoners lol
I can’t access the link to where this is.. can someone please let me know
So this is not the uks first dispensary then is it
Website link is a dud dude.
This is blatantly not legal hahahaha
How much u paid for it?
Where is this store as I am going London on Monday and would like to visit

Yo, you from Portsmouth?!
Anyone from Taunton here?
Should be called drew knows fuck all
mix the cbd bud with thc bud in a joint and find the right ratio its simple
How’s it legal
Hey DrewIsSharing, can you do some reviews on CBD and various CBD products. Thank you
Description in this video didn’t age well did it lol….with the sudden war on drugs this year tells us brits we are going backwards now…sad times.
Look up

if u need weed, cart, edible. ..Dey are very reliable
Is it still legal
Look up

if u need weed, cart, edible. ..Dey are very reliable
I am in for a new adventure with this since I’m moving to London from the US in a few weeks. I’m a heavy heavy smoker-dabs, vape and flower. Now heading over there and this video being made 3 years ago, think things have opened up and be a bit more accessible? I have a medical card here in the US. I watched your video on how to get it in the UK and I’m making my appointments now. Any extra advice??
Chat some shit u
How does the moon rock have only 1%?
Now the full jar you smelt has to be thrown away cuz you did were a mask
For one a terpene is how something taste and has nothing to with it being indica or sativa get your facts right boy or don’t make videos on stuff u don’t know even better idea

So you guys need a prescription for cbd? They sell cbd at all gas stations in U.S including huge corporations ones. Saddens me that that’s the most excitement someone gets in U.K I hope it passes fully.
Stop acting like your feel the cbd for clicks
Oh my gosh this whole time he’s been smoking cbd
It has its place, just not my place.. I want higher cbd content i just want/need the thc content.. 27 years blazing i just don’t get on with pure cbd weed. I grew up on bog weed and solid, goldbar and stuff like that.