What to know before you grow: New York State approves growing marijuana at home
What to know before you grow: New York State approves growing marijuana at home
There’s another step forward in legalizing cannabis in New York State. You can now grow marijuana at home.
Not that I’m complaining, but 5lbs of concentrates is wild.
1:40.. what is THAT? It’s legal and they’re still showing off fake plants? SMH
Plant should look like plastic understand
I have the same book, great help.
North Atlantic Seed Company. Seeds Here Now. Trusted suppliers of HIGH quality genetics.
the free cannabis testing is really cool! Also don;t get hung up on minor flaws on the plant and buying load of bottled nutrients. just give them some nice organic soil and leave them the f alone and don’t water them too much and you will be fine. Grow diaries is a good website that can help you answer most of your questions
You should be able to do whatever you want as long as it brings No harm to anyone else.
It costs more to grow than to buy. I rather buy them.
Finally, congratulations!
we are allowed to have 50g, isn’t that fkn ridiculous?
And double the plant count, as us in germany!
5 lbs
Not even enough for a month
Good job new york
Wasn’t this already legalized up to like 5 plants or something?
I’m growing some
orange Diesel
by Mephisto genetics I love their seeds!
I don’t think that was a real plant because those buds didn’t look right
As a grower, the 3 mature and 3 immature or 6 and 6 is dumb. Why would a mature plant still be growing? Its done!!! Here in Ohio its just 6 and 12, maturity doesn’t matter. U can have 6-12 plants all growing at 1 time
I’ll just keep doing the same as I have been doing for 35 years.
lmao they really used a fake, plastic plant in the report. Is it still illegal to film a real plant? LOL
Right on, New York! From the oppressed in Texas, Congratulations. It’s good to see some people have good sense!
if you gre one good plant outside you could get 5 pounds. Weight/plant limits are stupid. How are you supposed to breed with low plant counts. The amount of good strains that have been extinct because of the war on drugs, should be a crime in of itself.
OMG I am not a criminal anymore. The past 40 years being paranoid was exhausting.
Il livello di curiosità intellettuale e passione tra noi è contagioso e accende una scintilla interiore.
New york freed the weed before Washington state goodlawwd
Started my grow last week,, lolol lets get it. My first grow. Growing two indoors, cookie gelato, and royal runtz. From royal queen seeds
Still saying the system should be completely destroyed.
If anyone wants to try some for free I’ll roll you a ounce blunt to smoke
About time! Congratulations NY.

In Ontario, Canada, it’s 2 plants per adult up to 4 per household, and up to 2 oz (~60 grams). 5 lbs??? OMG, that’s funny.
Been growing in the backyard for a few years now and this is more than enough
Outdoors Growing season started(guerrilla grow) about two months.Outdoors plants will start to flower in late july and mid august or once the hours of daylight decrease and your plants are exposed to longer periods of darkness.Reduced daylight hours begings just after the summer solstice.upstate ny we usually start growing indoors starting april or may and then outdoors in june and it will be ready in mid octover to November.Organics is the way.will miss those guerrilla grow summers.I recommend Autoflowers plants if you want to start growing rightnow and do your research before you start growing.
Much love and plant growing luck from German. Finally your plants are FREE!
how many pounds of tomatoes am I allowed, fn bureaucrats
Remember when Josh Shapiro promised us legalization of at least 15% Flower and 40% concentrate and automatic DUI/per se limit. Oh wait we didn’t even get that crap sandwich yet?
Thank god she said they are fake pot plants lol. I was like don’t smoke that shit.
FUN FACT: Alcohol kills over 1200 people everyday, Cannabis hasn’t killed anyone to date.
Glad its ok now

Please come to Rome I’ll
Smoke a ounce blunt with you I’m desperate
I’m in jersey and it’s still illegal oh well catch me! You haven’t in 27 seasons I’m a out law still wtf
That’s awesome congratulations new york
Congrats NY

I’m looking for trades for low quality weed I grew in stranded I want a old bike or bike parts I have flower to trade
That is wonderful news! Freedom for all. We shouldn’t exclude the former slave states, it’s discrimination all over again.