1. StationRussification on October 23, 2022 at 3:29 pm

    Prohibition is the Problem & Parenting is the key to being a resposible Human. Sugar, Booze & Weed all R dangerous to children & no Laws will protect them – So Babysit yourself, your children & your life. The Post below is a perfect example of the Damage Created & what Brainwashing Prohibition has done for almost 90 years now, the Gov. did not make Weed Laws to Protect U from Weed they made them for Politics, Religion, Racists Ideas & to try to control Humans.

  2. Reduce Narcotic Demand - Deter The Drug War on October 23, 2022 at 3:30 pm

    Take a stance against present state or country recreational marijuana legalization because it continually helps criminal organizations by getting them access to an another supply of recreational marijuana. For example, a lot of criminal organizations caught taking advantage of recreational marijuana legalization by orchestrating and operating recreational marijuana cultivation operations allowed under Amendment 64 according to (The Legalization of Marijuana in Colorado The Impact Volume 4: Page 115). This example out of many more proves recreational marijuana legalization continually helps criminal organizations which increases criminal activity.