When you help a pregnant woman, you’re helping to bring a new life into the world #lovely #kindness
When you help a pregnant woman, you’re helping to bring a new life into the world #lovely #kindness
When you help a pregnant woman, you’re not just helping her; you’re helping to bring a new life into the world
Social experiment helping pregnant women
Helping pregnant women
Who will help a pregnant women?
Kindness in action
Me recordó aquellos tiempos en que los hombres fueren jóvenes ho adultos en el autobús daban su lugar a las embarazadas en estos tiempos la cortesía ya no se practica
Дуже прикро що люди стають байдужими
і жінка жінку краще розуміє і співчуває.. Дуже хочеться більше джентльменів 
i think this case is not enough to make strong attention so that people around are willing to help her
Я бы не позволила другим девушкам носить свой тяжёлый чемодан, ведь лучше просто попросить мужчин. Просто. Попросить. Мужчин.
čau man patīk kā tu pārbaudi cilvēka sirdis vai tu pālīdzēsi vai naepalīdzēsi
Society is failing
New subscribe i like your video

المفروض هاي شعوب متحضرة ..للاسف تاثيركم السبئ وصل لكثير من بلادنا
I like
Which country is this
Some times I tried to help women struggleiinig to take the big suitcase down the stairs in Moscow, occasionally they allow me to help and don’t seem thankful, other times they shout at me about how they can do it themselves, so i know the best case scenario is indiifference but there’s also a chance i’ll get shouted at then i’d rather just let women help each other.
Tamci co tak przeszli obojętnie to znieczulica

How many times she went upstairs to record that?
Einer scheinbar hilfreichen emanzipierten Frau zu helfen kann in Deutschland zu einem Straftatbestand ausgelegt werden. Diskriminierung, sexuelle Deformation oder gar Belästigung. Sucht es Euch raus. Wir Deutschen sind auf dem besten Weg und obsolet zu machen. Früher durfte man Frauen noch helfen und die fassten es manchmal auch als Komplimet aus und bedankten sich. Heute brauchst Du nen guten Anwalt wenn Du aktiv wirst
Are you balkan
At the end I thought bro is gonna steal it
Bro the other women who where js walking past like bro how would there moms react and how could they…they probably have kids themselves and know what it is like to be heavily pregnant
So cute videos and always help cute people and very kind
I see women do most the help in his videos…. Men take notes
for some reason, women think that only men should help
Where is your country
Bro come to indonesian, and do some prank like this
That reminded me of my pregnancy and all the men in the underground, pretending not seeiing me,behind their phones or newspapers, not willing to give their seat,despite being in an ofice the whole day,what a disgrace.
Not surprised that in almost all of your shorts, ladies are more compassionate and ready to help out.

En Éste Video Ponen a la Gente que Tan Honestas Son En Ayudar a Está Señora Embarazada Aunque sea Actuado pero el Vídeo Demuestra Cuánta Gente ay Pará Ayudar a Su Progimo

well what we see that mostly women HELP and less men… how sad
It takes nothing to help a complete stranger with something. WE.CAN.DO.BETTER!!
I love your videos. It gives me some faith in humanity. But yes we can do better
Ведь большинство из тех баб, именно баб, что проигнорировали беременную Женщину, сами были в её положении. Правду говорят, страшнее бабы, зверя нет. Сдава Богу не все такие.

Куда катится мыр (?
o mundo presiça de mais pessoas assim.