Why Stronger Marijuana is Sparking Backlash
Why Stronger Marijuana is Sparking Backlash
The recreational marijuana industry is pouring money into products with high THC levels, and early-to-legalize states are rethinking regulations around it.
High-Potency Pot Market Worth Billions Draws Regulator Scrutiny: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2023-08-16/marijuana-with-high-thc-levels-draws-scrutiny-in-colorado-washington?srnd=premium
In Pueblo, Colorado, teenager Noah had smoked marijuana before. But most of his friends were using an extra-strong version, known as dabs. Thinking it might help with the insomnia that plagued him in his senior year of high school, Noah picked up a small torch, grabbed the glass smoking device known as a dab rig and heated a yellow, waxy substance into a vapor that he slowly inhaled.
For around two years, Noah, who’s now 24 years old, said the habit made him feel great. The type of marijuana he was loading as many as five times a day into a discreet dab pen — similar in look to a vaping device — was a concentrate, 75% to 98% of which was THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, marijuana’s psychoactive ingredient.
Then Noah, who declined to give his last name due to concerns about discussing drug use, started vomiting a lot and having suicidal thoughts. He lost 30 pounds, had his gallbladder biopsied and was diagnosed with depression. No one could figure out what was wrong. Eventually, after looking up his symptoms online, he thought cannabis might be a possible cause.
#Marijuana #Bloomberg #News
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Several countries have been using hash (concentrated THC) for thousands of years. Cannabis isn’t for everyone. Folks get addicted to many of things. Be careful. Peace all.
scromiting, lol
I would like to really see how ADDICTED the 7year old it! Thats funny!
Please check your facts!
Conservative fear mongering is about as trustworthy as the A.T.F at a dog show..
Addicted ? Really ?
Ok, fair. All drugs can be abused, we get it. Now, let’s compare all of this information with the negative aspects of Alcohol. I’d bet my net worth that alcohol has an astronomically higher count of associated deaths and illness.
This is propaganda, Refer madness 2023!
Thanks for teaching me the new word for that cough all my friends do, Scromiting! Love it…
Everyone can be okay with no more than 15% on a regular basis. You just have to find the right strains for you, and you will get hit like your cannabis is 30%+. I will take 13% Og kush over 30% gsc
Check out the page to learn more about the plant
Refer madness
Why is it that, all the "anti-marijuana" community. Look/act like they need a joint!?

Sounds like disgusting distillate is the problem.
only concentrate I use is hash.
bro was smoking boof they dont even have 98% in liquid form, that would be a diamond
Due do all this insanity a lot of the marijuana industry employees are loosing jobs now due to dispensaries closing over the high testing costs just to prove our products are saferer than most of the fruit and vegetables we buy at the store. Our food we eat has a higher ppm of yeast and mold than the cannabis we smoke and eat, and we are worried about potency?. We should be worried more about the food we are giving our kids nowdays.
Where u get the psychosis stats? Reference?
I don’t feel the backlash on alcohol coming in so y’all can smd
Y u sooo weak ?
Too much thc and low cbd cuase anxiety for some or paranoia
Very interesting.
Oh no the SCROMITING is coming guys!!!! Ahhhhhhhh
This video is whack, just spreading fear with bs statistics
In Britain, government policy has created a situation where most cannabis is ridiculously strong, hybrid strains. Twenty years ago, most cannabis in Britain was from natural strains grown outdoors in Morocco and Afghanistan. Now it’s it’s mostly hydroponically grown in Britain and much stronger. The government should have decriminalised possession and turned a blind eye to hashish coming into the country and we probably wouldn’t be in this mess.
Sounds like the hospitals are despicable bandits, if it costs $6000 "just to see a patient, get IV fluids and some medicine"
That’s what it costs the patient. It costs the hospital way less. That’s price gouging.
Lowkey, been smoking since i was 16, i smoke more then a breathe. I reget nothing, to me you pick your vices in life and this one has zero calories, doesnt affects your body as bad as alcohol. If you can drink i should he able to smoke both are potentially life destroying but. Thats up to user. Business regualtion is cringe marry jane in its present form is no way more harmfull then alcohol in its present conditions. If any thing less then or equal to
Marijuana in general isn’t the f****** problem. It’s people that can’t eat with it enough to keep them vitamin efficient and bounced. It all depends on people’s lifestyles. My lifestyle is special when I smoke every day. I’m still conscious enough. The thing because I have a bunch of vitamins in me that I need every day to me.
cigarette and alcohol is everywhere too
2 percent thc when was that stone age lol
Isn’t alcohol responsible for multiple deaths a day in the US? Overdose of alcohol kills people. Overdose of cannabis leads to vomiting.
Please stop pretending marijuana is the culprit. It’s education.
This is definitely a hit piece.
Dr Jesse looks like he may be addicted to food.
Lol all those symptoms are from BHO products bcuz of the butane
Ppl should eat healthier then they do marijauna
And why are these kids calling the hotline it’s cause the voodoo it has had on it for years, how about breathe count to 10 I bet u will feel better, stop listening to these people who haven’t smoked, eat or anything clear ur mind of all the bs the government says about cannabis it’s a medicine not a drug
Bro greened out and did a docuseries about it
Problems only started with genz .
There are no er visits with flower.
Just because he’s an addict doesn’t mean we all are. One can enjoy lightly. Impulsive teenagers never can handle anything. It’s because they’re still kids. They shouldn’t be smoking.
I think they’re just mad they used to smoke dirt
This is totally a bunch of propaganda
Um no no no, 3:00 this is blatant false information. Strains ARE NOT flavours. This is a classic case of non educated individuals publishing content to fear monger. Education is key, stop abusing it and start enjoying it.
Just get high on the weekend and don’t smoke during the week, problem solved. Don’t do it everyday and you wont have an issue.
I haven’t seen Attempted brainwashing and propaganda like this since North Korea yesterday or Russia or the USSR back in the way when
Horrible misinformation propaganda filled nonsense journalism
Just greedy people and even interfere with alcohol! from there and nausea and vomiting! just smoke less