1. Randall Barger on May 15, 2022 at 7:01 pm

    These cannabis pop-ups in the 757 is the greatest thing since sliced bread Randall Barger

  2. Brittany Antunes on May 15, 2022 at 7:04 pm

    Yessss now get sc and Alabama to do this please

  3. QUEEN'IKnoWhoIam on May 15, 2022 at 7:05 pm

    Wish I had known about this event!!!!
    Why wasn’t it publicized????

    No one would’ve known it even happened if it weren’t for this news coverage…smh.

  4. Sara Israel on May 15, 2022 at 7:11 pm

    every black man in jail for weed should be se t free